Peter Schuttinga was kind enough to take a two hour cruise up Island to drop in for a visit today. We were in the final stages of wrapping up our project when he got there.
The last of the mud was going on and most of the tools (except for the heavy ones) were safely tucked into the trailer.
Peter pitched right in and helped me carve the last of the wood grain. He did great too!` I think he's a natural.
He also helped lifting the heavy mixer into the trailer to finish things off.
We had some great converdsation over a relaxed dinner before he headed bacl down the long drive home. But just before he left he gave me aq very cool gift... a gilded samdblasted sign on which I had designed the logo many years ago. I had designed a new logo for my customer a while back & Peter had done the replacement sign. The old relic will vgrace the walls of my shop as a display piece.
Thanks for dropping in and helping out Peter! And thanks for bringing the treasure!
-grampa dan
Posted by Peter Schuttinga (Member # 2821) on :
Thanks for letting me come and play Dan. I smiled the whole way home. Great to meet your crew, I hope they enjoy their well earned rest. Like Dan mentioned he let me do some wood carving....ehmmm....concrete carving to look like wood, and I could have done that all day, it was very enoyable work. No, work is not the right word for what Dan does, playing with mud would be more like it. Thanks again for dinner, it was very tasty, and I thouroughly enjoyed our conversation. I think someone on this board mentioned you should write a book about your life, and I would have to agree. You certainly have led and continue to lead an interesting life. For those of you who wonder if Dan is really like the way he is on letterville, the answer is yes.
Posted by Julio Tome (Member # 4701) on :
Hey Peter sounds like you had a great fun filled day. I know I had a great time and learned alot when i went to see Dan at his shop a couple of weeks ago and helped out with his monster sign. I cannot wait to go see him again and get my hands dirty.
Posted by Neil D. Butler (Member # 661) on :
I don't believe it! Not for a second, there's no way anybody can be that happy... hmm ok ok with all that BC bud that's grown out there, yea, ok, I guess he can be happy afterall. lol
I'm just kidd'n ya Dan, you know how we Newfs are. I'm a little jealous actually, Dan's living the dream, and I'm a living Nightmare. LOL