Does anyone know how to save a batch of older emails? I want to keep them as records of correspondence. There has to be an easy way I'm just not finding!
Posted by Bruce Williams (Member # 691) on :
Would A-drive floppy disks work, or am I pulling an Emily Latella?
Posted by Bill Modzel (Member # 22) on :
Print them? Make a new folder in you email app and drag them in there. Copy the text and paste them in a Word file.
Posted by Erica Taylor (Member # 4952) on :
Gene, I can "Save As" in my email application, and that gives me the option to put them anywhere; or just highlight what you want to save, copy, and paste in another application - I use Quark Xpress. This is on a Mac. In spite of that, I hope this helps! Erica
Posted by Rick Beisiegel (Member # 3723) on :
I make folders of my clients who tend to use email. I make subfolders off of the Inbox, & I give them their own file. Works for us.
[ January 19, 2005, 05:46 PM: Message edited by: Rick Beisiegel ]
Posted by Gene Golden (Member # 3934) on :
I guess the KEY WORD was "BATCH" file them. I can chose each one individually, but with maybe a hundred plus files, this is a crazy effort.
I want to be able to select 25 or so at a time, and place them onto a CD for safe keeping.
They end up as .eml files, which is fine. But there MUST be a quicker way than one by one!
Posted by Gene Golden (Member # 3934) on :
Yes Rick, but you are still saving them on your hard drive as a piece of email, just in another folder in your email program.
I want to drop them onto the CD just as you would a bunch of plot files or document files.
Posted by Tim (Member # 1699) on :
Hey Gene,
If you want to save them all in one swoop, then you could just make a copy of your inbox.dbx file.
Works for me here ok, and about 200megs worth!
Posted by Johnny Taylor (Member # 4832) on :
I came across this bit of software. Never tried it but looks like it may be of use to you, presuming you are using Outlook Express.
If you copy the complete DBX file eg. Inbox.dbx to a cd this should be able to read it.
I use Outlook and there are ways to export anything as a file (contacts, emails, your calendar etc). Just click on file, export and follow along. This link ( explains a way to do it in Outlook Express. I tried it with Outlook and it saved the emails as .msg files which opened up just fine when I double clicked them. The fact that they get saved with the subject as the file name can be a bit of a problem though.
Posted by Dave Utter (Member # 634) on :
Just a thought. You can copy and save your entire folder where the emails are saved by outlook express on a disk, etc. It can be imported again at any time in the future. to do so:
first open windows explorer. goto: "tools/folder options/view" and make sure that the "show hidden files and folders" button is checked.
then, open outlook express and go to:"tools/options/maintenance/store folder" in the box that comes up look at the address of the folder. You may have to put your cursor in the box and use your arrow keys to move it to see the whole address. In windows explorer, navigate to that address, and then copy the folder to where you want.
Hope this makes since, and helps......... Posted by Mike Pipes (Member # 1573) on :
I just copy the inbox.dbx file as mentioned by others and put it on CD. Easy. That's exactly how I backed up all my old emails before reformatting.
Posted by David Fisher (Member # 107) on :
Like others have said, its easiest to backup the entire email folder or file. If you are using Outlook you need to backup up .pst files in order to get email, contacts, calendar etc. If you are using Outlook express you need to back up your Identities folder if you have more than one Identity. (Win XP default C:\Documents and Settings\YourUserName\Local Settings\Application Data\Identities , as well as your address book in C:\Documents and Settings\YourUserName\Application Data\Microsoft\Address Book If you use AOL you should periodically use the backup feature to create a file which can then be burnt to disk. If you use Incredimail you should also create a backup file regularly because as far as I know you can only restore back to Incredimail from one of its backup file types and no other email programs I know will recognise it in any shape or form. (Better still, ditch incredimail) If you use Eudora then you can backup the email directory for later restoration provided the program revision is the same. I use Mozilla Thunderbird and I did read up about backing it up a while ago and it is easily do-able. I just don't see anything worth backing up. For my part I can't see any good reason to backup selectively, its easier to just backup the whole shibang. If it won't fit on a CD then thats a good excuse to buy a DVDRW. HTH, David