Looking for the UBC (United Brotherhood of Carpenters) logo ready to cut... I know, Shame on me for asking, but Hey..I'm askin' I know Brandsoftheworld has a copy of it, but unless I am importing them wrong, thier .EPS files suck and are no where near ready to cut..
I can draw it, but if someone already has it, I would appreciate a copy...thanks in advance
Posted by Mark Sheflo (Member # 3608) on :
Just downloaded and checked the version on Brands of the World site...other than being a little sloppy on the tick marks in the ruler portion it seems fine to me...
What software are you going into with your import?
Posted by Leonard Sappington (Member # 4562) on :
Well, Maybe I will learn something here... I download the files, open them in Illustrator, than copy and paste onto LXI...
I ain't no computor genious, and everything I download from there looks like crap and does not cut well...
Teach me something here, What should I do ?
Posted by Mark Sheflo (Member # 3608) on :
My only thought is rather than open in AI try and import them. Either into AI, trying different settings on version etc. or direct into LXI. I believe LXI is a version of Flexi...that being the case try the import route, but make sure you select the encapsulated postscript version of the EPS versions available to you.
All of the above is from memory as i no longer have Flexi available to me to check.
Posted by Dave Grundy (Member # 103) on :
Leonard..I downloaded that file and "imported" it into Corel using "postscript interpreted" and it looks just fine to me. Ruler notches are a wee bit off but nothing that the average person would notice.
Looks like it would cut just fine.
Posted by John Deaton III (Member # 925) on :
I think the problem is where you are copying and pasting the file. Try just importing like Mark said.
Posted by Fred Weiss (Member # 3662) on :
Copying and pasting is most likely converting the EPS Bezier curves to WMF straight lines. Just open or import directly into LXI.