Today is the first real day inside the new studio. It's cool and wet, I'm watching the clouds move swiftly by the mountains outside the big windows.
We've been taking advantage of the great weather these last few weeks with endless projects around our shop and yard, and it's been a good out in the sunshine.
Today the crew will be busy in the shop while I put in some serious design time at my desk,.
As usual it takes me a little while to get my head around the task at hand... getting into the groove so to speak.
The routine is the same each time... spend a little time here, answer my email, return my pnone calls, straighten my desk and then into the artwork.
Often it's late morning before I get real work done, but once I'm 'in the groove' the ideas pour out endlessly. Time flies.
I think it's going to work well here in the new studio. The temperature is perfect, the lighting is good, the scenery outstanding, I'm surrounded my all my books, photos and other assorted junk. Everything is at my fingertips, the surround sound is on.
It's time to do some real work.
Posted by Mike Duncan (Member # 316) on :
Dan, Its G-R-E-A-T to hear that you're working in your new shop and enjoying it. The weather is definately fall and I've had to order some new cycling clothing so I can keep riding. One of these days I'll have to stop up and see the new digs. Keep up that positive attitude, it is definately catching!
Posted by Dan Sawatzky (Member # 88) on :
As per usual my plans for the day changed significantly from what I set out to do. My heart was in the right place and I made a good attmpt at office stuff... I really did!
But about 11:00 this morning the sun broke through. I shuffled the crew out the door along with myself and the tools and made the best of it too. We made significant progress on various projects.
Maybe tomorrow it will rain like the weatherman says... and then again MAYBE NOT!!!!!!!!!!!