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Posted by Bobbie Rochow (Member # 3341) on :
Obviously, I have to post my question here, because Signlab has discontinued it's Lifetime Tech Support that it offered when I bought it! By the way, isn't that illegal for them to do? Anyway, I have E6, & when I go to type out a letter, I get about 50 of the same letter!!! I have work to do today, & can do NOTHING til I get this fixed!!!! Anybody have any advice to give me? If it is a glitch in my program, can I reset my computer to the day before it did this? And if I DO that, how do I find the reset menu? Thank you, to whoever can help!!!!!!
Posted by Hubert Furey (Member # 3951) on :

This is a known issue for versions e6. Information is available from our KnowledgeBase. See Tech Note 2098 "Patching Windows 2000 or XP ....".

I have emailed it to you for convenience.
Posted by Bobbie Rochow (Member # 3341) on :
Thank you, Hubert, but see, I have found that this began occurring AFTER I had downloaded my needed Service Pack 2 on Saturday. There were no Hotfixes listed on my Add/Remove Hardware, so I actually had to uninstall my Service pack, which makes me more vulnerable to viruses! I am so disappointed in Signlab since they took our Free Lifetime Tech Support away. It says to permanently fix my problem, I should upgrade from my E6. That would be wonderful, but with dentist AND doctor bills these next few weeks & no medical coverage, I don't see me affording my upgrade anytime soon. Thank you again, Hubert, for your help. I know it is not your fault the way your employer does things.
Posted by old paint (Member # 549) on :
WINDOWS XP SERVICE PACK 2....thats a nono....bad stuff happens when you load that....pick a date prior to you service pack 2 install and restore XP to its wonderful greatness.....hehehehehe
Posted by Dave Grundy (Member # 103) on :
Bobbie...Do what Old Paint just said!!

Win XP service pack 2 should be removed from Microsoft's site. Hell they even list a bunch of MICROSOFT programs that doen't work with SP2!!!! [I Don t Know] [Confused] [Roll Eyes]
Posted by Judy Pate (Member # 237) on :
Sorry I can't help you with your particular issue but I have a similar problem using Windows 2000 and SignLab Colormaster 5.0, Rev 12(this version works best with Win 2000).
When I duplicate items..sometimes there are several duplicate letters on top of letters that you can't see. When I cut cuts the letters 2-4 times...cutting too deep sometimes thru the backing of the vinyl. I have been choosing Cut By Color to avoid this problem. Is there any easier solution?
Posted by Curtis hammond (Member # 2170) on :
There is no secrete that XP SP2 is causing lots of problems.

Its strange for a software vendor to recomend the service pack after all the known problems. .
Posted by William Bass (Member # 4929) on :
A bunch of guys at a computer-techy chat room all warned me NOT to get SP2.
Posted by Robert Salyers (Member # 5) on :
Is sp2 the "auto update" my puter is trying to do? I have XP and the update it's asking me to recieve is SP2.

"Hi Bobbie!"
Posted by Curtis hammond (Member # 2170) on :
Turn it OFF!!!
Posted by Hubert Furey (Member # 3951) on :

Your problem is quite different from Bobbie's and not a known issue. We have had no other reports from other 5.0 users with the problem you have described.

I assume here that you have set your duplicate offset to 0,0. I would ensure that you are duplicating only what is intended, and use either CTRL-D or go to Edit > Duplicate. TAB key will cycle through all objects on-screen so you can ensure that there is only one (or two) objects selected.

Alternatively, sweep-select the duplicated objects. In the top left-hand corner of Signlab, it will specify how many objects are selected. I.E. Path Selected:2 means 2 objects are selected.

Don't forget that if you sweep select 2 objects and hit Duplicate, you will end up with 4 objects.

Hope this helps.
Posted by Judy Pate (Member # 237) on :
Thanks Hubert! Exactly where are the duplicate offset settings located so I can check that. I do use CTRL-D to duplicate.
Posted by Hubert Furey (Member # 3951) on :

options > SignLab Setup > General Preferences
Posted by Bobbie Rochow (Member # 3341) on :
Thank you- ALL of you- But you know what, Judy, I have had that problem, too, with my E6! It is like a "ghost image" that is there, & when I sweep to select all on the screen, it won't pick it up! It appears & dissapears! It doesn't happen very often, tho, but one time it was so bad that I just copy & pasted my image into a new file to get it clean. When you are down to your last piece of vinyl & it screws up, you are hurting! By the way, I uninstalled my Windows Service Pack 2 & all is well now, I am back in business!
Posted by Curtis hammond (Member # 2170) on :
I posted at least 3 times that XP SP2 will cause problems with software. Especially dongled software.

Please be sure NOT to install SP2 unless you truely need it or you know your way around a computer.

These problems were revealed when SP2 was in BETA. Our local comp shop is building a retirement fund on removing SP2. By the way. He is using a SP2 remover written becaue of the trouble. Thats how many people are suffering from SP2
Posted by Judy Pate (Member # 237) on :
Thanks Hubert...I checked my duplicate offset setting and I have it at 1.00 inch.
I'll tell you when I am having this problem with duplicates directly on top of each other. It usually happens when I duplicate my design in order to nest them manually onto a box I drew to represent my vinyl. I know E6 has this nesting feature but I am doing it manually to save material.
Another problem I am having is SignLab shutting down when I try to transform white letters on a black background. I create a black background to represent a window and create white lettering and try to arch the bottom or top of the letters using Bounding Box, Arch. SignLab says errors have been created and SignLab is shutting down.
Is there some simple setting to fix this problem? I have been changing the color of the letters to another color, transforming them, & then changing it back to white to print out or email to my customer.
I appreicate you addressing this issue,Hubert.
Posted by Hubert Furey (Member # 3951) on :

This problem is easy to reproduce. However, due to the age of the program, there is no long term solution.

The workaround is exactly as you have mentioned. Don't use white for the letters, and change the colours of the letters after the transformation has been applied.

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