Before I go too far in my appreciation, I need to Thank Everyone here for their understanding of Signs. Signs are my life, but to see so many feel the way I do makes me feel that I am as special as the next. I have relized there is no perfect sign, be it Paint or Vinyl. But here, we as a family are able to convey the Best approach to Design, Construction, and Price. This has become a Lifeline for myself to hold on to. I really enjoy this atmosphere. I hope to continue my education with you and hope that one day we may find that perfect Sign. Thank You All for this opportunity and I Hope we may all be together when we find that perfect Sign.
Posted by Leonard Sappington (Member # 4562) on :
[ August 26, 2004, 06:38 PM: Message edited by: Leonard Sappington ]
Posted by Jane Diaz (Member # 595) on :
It's hard to know where to start with the thank yous after a meet, isn't it!? After the hosting is done, you are EXHAUSTED, but it sure feels good to know you did it! Sorry we couldn't be there but it sounded like a good time.
Posted by Jillbeans (Member # 1912) on :
Kick back and relax, Kevin. You will begin to feel human again after a few months. By Christmas you will be right as rain. I hope to see you next August at our big jamboree in the boonie woods! Love....Jill