Hey heads, Looking for the mixing ratio for tinting West Epoxy, with White 1Shot lettering enamel. Thanks, Dale
Posted by Eric Humphreville (Member # 4762) on :
Go to the West Systems website and do a search for one shot. The fourth result down might help it, has all kinds of colorings added to the epoxy and the results. Hope this helps.
Posted by Dale Kerr (Member # 4661) on :
Thanks, Eric! That is exactly what I was looking for. Cheers, Dale
Posted by Ted Gore (Member # 4821) on :
Dear Dale; I sent you a e-mail. But, I'm new at posting on the Buullboard. 20% is the maximum amount. After that the Epoxy gecames rubbery and begins to loss it's physical properties.
Posted by Ted Gore (Member # 4821) on :
ERROR- ERROR- I could'nt change the message before the note was posted. 2 to 5% by volume. I apologize for the typ-o
Posted by Dale Kerr (Member # 4661) on :
Hey Ted, I did as stated a ratio of maz 10% and it was 1shot white. I found it would not go very though. Any suggestions? Dale