Anyone out there still using Scanvec Inspire. I hope to create a support group.
Posted by Jillbeans (Member # 1912) on :
Man, that sounds pretty serious! Will it involve The 12-Step Program? Love...Jill (sorry, couldn't resist)
Posted by Doug Allan (Member # 2247) on :
I think any Inspire users reading your post already have access to the best support group available... Letterville!
I don't understand what more could be offered? Not trying to be critical, just unclear on what a support group is among users spread across the world, I assume it would be an internet based venue for sharing information?
Anyway, I own Inspire, but never use it. (never have) I still use CasMate, though less & less these days & have given & recieved excellent tech-support advice right here on several occassions. I know Bob Burns was one of Inspire's biggest fans around here.
Posted by Myra Grozinger (Member # 327) on :
Not to belittle what you are doing, honestly, but if you run across someone interested, make me an offer for mine.....
Posted by Doug Allan (Member # 2247) on :
oh yeah... me too! clean unused manuals, CD's & Dongle & original box Posted by Curtis hammond (Member # 2170) on :
What am i BID? do i hear fi dolla???????
Posted by Bob Burns (Member # 268) on :
I must be the only guy on the planet who believes that INSPIRE is/was the BEST sign program ever made. Fortunately, I'm retired now, and can avoid the slings and arrows of the dissenters. I STILL have a copy of INSPIRE and occassionally play "sign person" for laughs. INSPIRE, together with PHOTOSHOP, CASMATE, and CORELDRAW makes an unbeatable combo of least up until I quit earlier this year. Now, I don't give a rat's ass! hahahahahaha!
Posted by Cheryl Lucas (Member # 1656) on :