Im just wondering if some of the posters on the board run their business with the attitude they display on here. Im not pointing anyone specifically out, but Im pretty surprised with some of the personalities that come up on certain topics. There are some on here that would argue with God. Someone offers up some helpful info, then bam!, someone comes along and says nope, you're wrong, this is what is right. Opinions differ, but offer them up in a more respectable manner. We all do things a little different. Thats what makes our work different. My way may not be better than your way, and vice versa. Maybe Im just too liberal in the way I think, but I dont like to hurt anyone with what I say unless they ask for it. Disagreements are fine, but raising them to the level of being downright snotty is another thing.
Posted by Sheila Ferrell (Member # 3741) on :
.....on the positive other hand, yes. I run my business the same way I respond here . . . Posted by Jane Diaz (Member # 595) on :
Well said, John! Everybody has a bad day now and then but some times you just need to cool your jets. I always try to remember that once I have said something mean (or typed it), it is too late to take it back. That person will always remember that hurtful thing I said to them. (Either that or they will do a search and put it in quotes! )We talk about this place like it is a small neighborhood and I hope some of you can try to be a little more "neighborly". Posted by Jane Diaz (Member # 595) on :
Oops! Double post. Have a GOOD day! Be KIND to someone!
[ June 24, 2004, 10:02 AM: Message edited by: Jane Diaz ]
Posted by Mike Contreras (Member # 1571) on :
Wow... this is an interesting post speakin of them.. I hear that In this lovely Country we are entitled by law to voice our Opinions... What you speak of, sounds like moral issues ( which are your right to express)..
I hear what you're saying but I have to go with the let it fly how you want... I would rather have someone tell me like it is, Rather than sugar coat it to protect my feelings.... We are adults.... Feelings get hurt ,,, Life goes on... I will get over it..
There are other options where you wouldn't have to deal with people like me.... Books for instance.... But then nobody can hear your opinion...
You are right ... Attitude is everything... How about that.. we agreed on something.. Posted by Terry Baird (Member # 3495) on :
This post isn't about opinions, it's about attitude. The send button sometimes seems to relieve some people of the responsibility of exhibiting manners and common sense when dealing with other human beings. Having a bad day is one thing, but I doubt that some of the things that appear in a thread would ever leave someones thoughts if it were a face to face discussion. On second thought...Just ignore this post, I'm having a rough day. Posted by PKing (Member # 337) on :
To answer your question YES
As to out right "snotty" etc etc. I must be out of the loop,reading the wrong post,or I am the guilty party.
Other than that...acceptance is the key word here not attitude
hope this helps
Posted by Jane Diaz (Member # 595) on :
Maybe I am going to get myself in trouble here, BUT... You are right about attitude! Another thing is INTENTION! I can say "I think you are wrong and here's my reason for thinking that way..." OR I can say, You are a stupid jerk and you opinions aren't worth the paper they are written on!!" OR I can start swearing at you and call you names! THERE IS A BIG Difference! Everyone knows that people are going to disagree. But you can be truthful and NOT have to be mean and disrespectful. I know there are times when I read things or hear someone voice their opinion and I THINK "What an idiot! How could he say (think) that!" But that doesn't mean I have to SAY that out loud to him. I guess this is a whole issue in itself, but I think a person can voice your opinion, discuss an issue and not have to name call or demean the other person. I guess to me, it is just the way I would like to be treated. I don't think it is a moral issue or sugar coating. It's just respecting the other persons feelings and at the same time their right to think the way they want with out having to make them feel defensive or wanting to get back at me. We can disagree without having to get the boxing gloves out! You're right, it's an attitude. MY attitude is to try be kind, if possible.
Posted by Sheila Ferrell (Member # 3741) on :
. . . . Never say anything behind someone's back (or on a somewhat impersonal forum) that you would not say right to their face in person. . . .
Rule of BOTH thumbs. Posted by Peter Schuttinga (Member # 2821) on :
I've found by reading through some of the posts that I must be missing something at times.
Maybe it is the way I interprit the written word, but I rarely get a sense of mean-spiritness that some take great offense to.
Not that I'm looking for it, or trying to 'read' more into a response than what is actually there.
I've had the pleasure of meeting a few letterheads, and have had a few long distance calls with others, and now I have a sense of their personality and attitudes, something I simply can not percieve from a few posts.
So until I actually meet a letterhead, or at least talk with one on the phone, I reserve the right to comment on their personnality or assertain what their attitude is.
Think about it this way:
Say the word 'fine' when:
You are ****ed at someone for making you do something you would rather not, like the answer you get from a teen when you ask them to clean their room....fine
You just had the greatest meal and the waiter asked you 'how was your meal?'...fine
At the coffee shop, regular grind or fine?...fine
An approving officer says your sign is too big, and you must pay a fine... fine..
Just my way of looking at things, and if that's not OK with you, well....fine..
Posted by jack wills (Member # 521) on :
Just don't go roun trying to put no boogie woogie on the King of Rock n' Roll......
Elvis has left the buildin'!
Posted by Mike Pipes (Member # 1573) on :
I'm usually pretty easy going and flexible when dealing with customers, but some people just rub the wrong way then they get a red flag.
Posted by John Deaton III (Member # 925) on :
Mr. Contreras, thank you for illustrating my point. Posted by KARYN BUSH (Member # 1948) on :
yep.. i'm like this to everyone. Posted by Don Hulsey (Member # 128) on :
Hey John,
The only real difference in the way I act on here and the way I run my business is... I almost always smoke while I am on the BB, but although I have ash trays around the shop, I never smoke in front of a customer. Well, I do have a few customers that are also long time friends. When they light one, I do too.
Oh yeah, messy as it is, my typing is a lot neater than my shop right now. Posted by Doug Allan (Member # 2247) on :
well, I admit I got attitude. I reserve the worst of it for those whom I believe have it coming. I have come out with both barrels blazing at some of the folks I do business with & have settled into a good mutual understanding & workable business relationship with some of the recipients of my opinionated, blunt & forthright honesty. I have also lost about 2 clients who couldn't handle the truth.
Usually, in my defense, these encounters take place on my own turf where, to a point, I feel justified in setting any codes of conduct. Here, on the other hand, I recognize Steve & Barbs right to set the code of conduct, & I hope that I am managing to keep my opinionated self within the confines of those boundries most of the time.
oh yeah... another thing...
quote:I hear that In this lovely Country we are entitled by law to voice our Opinions
whats the hells the frikkin difference what your countries laws are? ...oh wait, I mean ...hey brother, this groovy international website exists in cyberspace & I think maybe we ought to transcend that nationalistic sense of entitlement that some of us Americans are plagued with & respect the rightful place of our hosts to establish their rules of conduct.
Posted by Ray Rheaume (Member # 3794) on :
I'm pretty much like this all the time.
With time and enough money, I'm hangin' in 'til they find a cure.
(then I'm taking a typing lesson or two...that's twice today!)
[ June 24, 2004, 07:43 PM: Message edited by: Ray Rheaume ]
Posted by Janette Balogh (Member # 192) on :
I'm approachable and good natured with my customers. I like to make folks around me feel comfortable.
As on here, there are times when I do use some sarcasm, not with biting intent, but rather as a way of tempering difficult situtions with humour, while still making a point.
I don't swear much, but I do swear more than I do on this bb. In general, I'm more laid back in my spoken word than my writing. I weigh my words more carefully here.
I don't rile too easily, but I do stand my ground on things that are important. There are just some things that are not worth being "right" about. I don't spend alot of time correcting people about peddy stuff. When I am in a confrontation, I think my goal is to guide people towards understanding, rather than bullying them.
I also think that when you get angry at someone(or something), you are actually transferring control over to them(or it). So, I try to keep my cool and use reason over emotion. (Some days are better than others. )
Basically, I think I play well with others. uh .... don't I? Nettie
Posted by Joey Madden (Member # 1192) on :
If I disagree with someone at times it doesn't mean I have an attitude, it just means I disagree. If persons want candy coated answers or opinions which are sometimes called Critiques, thats fine and dandy just don't look for a silver lining from the silver tongue devil. I have never lost a job due to my attitude, I treat everyone the same and only give what I get, I have however lost business due to price shoppers and persons not looking for quality. I truly believe a person should stick to what they do best rather then venturing out in something they know knowing about without some first hand experience. Red and Magenta on Green still looks awful to me Posted by Kissymatina (Member # 2028) on :
I'm the same person in person and on here. I sometimes swear a lot more in person than I do in writing. Oh, and my ADD is better when I write cause I can read my thoughts and organize them instead of throwing out fragmented, unassociated pieces of sentences. Was that a chicken? Posted by William DeBekker (Member # 3848) on :
I hope I'm Funnier in real life. I have always liked trying to make people laugh and ease the tension when they're in my shop or on the BB. And yes. I am very sarcastic also in my Shop
Posted by Ian Stewart-Koster (Member # 3500) on :
quote: Attitude is everything
actually I'd prefer to say 'gratitude is everything'. In general there's not enough gratitude in people wherever you go, IMHO.
But I try to treat people the same everywhere- here, customers, family & friends.
Posted by Jillbeans (Member # 1912) on :
Hi John. I try to have an upbeat attitude in everything I do. Sometimes I fail. Sometimes I am even a real beeyotch! But only when pushed to my limit.
I do try to be fair and tolerant. Sometimes I find myself getting defensive, whether it's a client questioning my ideas or someone on the BB moaning about my IMs. (for the record, if someone does complain, I never IM them again)
I have met folks from this BB who are even nicer in person, and some who are just plain posers/phonies, completely different from the "persona" they project here. That goes both ways...some who are crotchety on the BB are sweeties up close and personal!
But I do try to do unto others in real life as well as in cyberspace. Love...Jill
Posted by Todd Gill (Member # 2569) on :
Quote: With time and enough money, I'm hangin' in 'til they find a cure.
Ray....that's the best line I've heard all year! LOL. Can I use it?
Good post John....I gotta work a little on that myself. Mostly, I have a pretty good attitude, and like many others have pointed's better in person than on this semi-annonymous board.
But I have this flaw where I sometime's can't help belching forth a rebuttal when someone makes a statement that is really void of truth (imo) and then there's this twisted part of me that likes to yank the chain of people I know are too tightly wound...just to see them unwind.
Sick, I know. Anyone have the number of a good psychotherapist?
But I can say that I do FAR more for others than I "get" in return. I'm not keeping score, but I'm amazed at the amount of people who wouldn't inconvenience themselves to help you out after you've disrupted your schedule to help them out on several occassions?!
Then, there are those that you can always count on. Gotta love 'em.
Posted by jack wills (Member # 521) on :
Would you mind too much if I went to fillin' in that space between the lines?
Posted by Todd Gill (Member # 2569) on :
Jack, hehehe....yeah I know, a swift boot would fill that space right? Posted by old paint (Member # 549) on :
i tell people ....what they want to hear....hehehehehehehhe......and iam one of the "nice guys"!!!!!!! you gota problem with that....
[ June 25, 2004, 11:59 AM: Message edited by: old paint ]
Posted by jack wills (Member # 521) on :
Ya know...You can all kiss @$$!
Did I Say that right,left or middlewise?
Posted by Source Signs (Member # 1164) on :
We CANNOT choose HOW we feel, but we CAN choose WHAT we do about it.....(hopefully in a kind way)
Most people don't remember the exact words you've said....but they will ALWAYS remember how you made them feel.
Make someone feel great have the power.
Posted by Jay Nichols (Member # 2842) on :
I'm not a talker. My video is definitely better than my audio. The emotions that words and images can evoke from viewers is what I love about graphic communication, and I like the fact that I can let my portfolio do much of my talking for me with customers. Text like this is another matter. Even with emoticons, it's easy for words to be misinterpreted, feelings hurt. If I get wound up by something posted, I usually try to think about it for a while, or overnight, before posting what I hope is a sensible reply. Quick reactions can bring regrets.
Personal attacks are another matter entirely, and as Susan pointed out, I never forget that feeling. If it happens more than once with the same individual, then I become a different person. Even then, I try to lead with my brain instead of my mouth.
*edited for Todd* I do believe you are my evil twin.
[ June 25, 2004, 11:53 PM: Message edited by: Jay Nichols ]
Posted by Bill Foshay (Member # 4526) on :
quote:Originally posted by Kissymatina: I'm the same person in person and on here. I sometimes swear a lot more in person than I do in writing. Oh, and my ADD is better when I write cause I can read my thoughts and organize them instead of throwing out fragmented, unassociated pieces of sentences. Was that a chicken?
You and me could have some conversation, Chrissy!Sometimes I listen to what I'm saying and wonder... "Am I nuts or just confused? What the blank did I just say?" And after last week, I think I'll just stick to IM's when talking to my girlfriend.. ADD and dyslexia.. fun times tow! Did someone just say JEEP?
Oh yeah.. Attitude sure helps, if it ain't rotten.
Posted by John Deaton III (Member # 925) on :
I truly did not start this post to point fingers, or single anyone out. I just wanted to make people think. Sometimes replies on here can get pretty bad sometimes, and Im not talking about the joking ones. There are those that have issues with each other and tend to let it overflow on to the board. Im also not talking about "candy coating" anything. Just plain ol respect. There are quite a few on here that I respect with great admiration with the way they handle themselves and there are those that I respect because they are who they are and dont intend to put on a front to please anyone. Its just that sometimes the "attitudes" get out of hand and it got me wondering. Thats all. Thank you all for replying.