Don't look at your sign as an expense, look at what it will do for you.
Your sign is your customers first impression of your whole business.
A business without a sign is a sign of no business.
Just because you have a hammer it does not mean you can build a house. (I say that to everyone who asks how much one of them there cutter things cost)
You can justify spending $500 for a one day ad in the newspaper but you want to dicker over a $500 vehicle job that will last for 5+ years?
OK - what do you like to say to your customers??
Posted by Ray Rheaume (Member # 3794) on :
"I accept cash and checks."
"If you're willing to pay the body shop guy $40/HR to make the door look good, I shoud get the same money to make it look better, right? Whadda ya think?"
"My brushes don't know what they're painting, be it a sign, truck, car, boat, or bug deflector. They just know it's work and they're on the clock for the same rate. I've learned to listen to them."
Customer: "If you give me a deal on this, I can get you more business and you can raise the bill on the next guy." Me: "I already did that deal. It really worked out well when you saw it and came to see me. Congratulations! You're next!"
Posted by Steve Nuttle (Member # 2645) on :
Poor planning on your part does not constitute an emergancy on my part!
Posted by Si Allen (Member # 420) on :
For the customer that has to inspect the sign from 3 inches away:
"It's a sign, not a look at it, NOT smell it!"
[ June 21, 2004, 10:46 PM: Message edited by: Si Allen ]
Posted by Jack Leyden (Member # 2437) on :
"Any idiot can let the job go to the lowest bidder. The wise business manager gives the job to the lowest qualified bidder."
If I'm feeling tactful I might not call them an idiot.
Posted by Wayne Osborne (Member # 4569) on :
"It'll be ready Thursday"
I just don't tell em' which Thursday!
Posted by Jillbeans (Member # 1912) on :
Learned from Pierre Tardif:
"You will make more money from this sign than I will!"
Posted by Laura Butler (Member # 1830) on :
The difference between a good sign and a bad sign is.....10 feet.
"Remember your sign is the major portion of your advertsing budget."
Posted by Bob Stephens (Member # 858) on :
My personal favorite I use often is
"Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out"
Posted by Jerry VanHorn (Member # 4704) on :
quote:Originally posted by Jillbeans: Learned from Pierre Tardif:
"You will make more money from this sign than I will!"
I may add that to my arsenal
Posted by Tony McDonald (Member # 1158) on :
I heard this one here a while back.
Customer: How much is a sign?
Answer: How long is a piece of string?
Posted by BrianTheBrush (Member # 1298) on :
"The bitter taste of poor quality far outlasts the sweetness of a low price."
"We'll paint ANYTHING for our best friends...and all of our best friends are dead presidents."
My spin on the "hammer and home builder" line has always been: "Give an A-hole a rope, - it doesn't make him a cowboy"
Posted by Jane Diaz (Member # 595) on :
I do the same sort of thing as Tony but I use a car. When they ask about the cost of a sign, trailer, the "average semi" (I love that one!) I say "That's like asking me, How much is a depends on what options you want on it, how long you want it to last and what you want it to do for you! We have signs in ALL budget ranges. What do you want to spend?"
Posted by Michael Boone (Member # 308) on :
pay me
Posted by old paint (Member # 549) on :
$500 for a small yellow page add....that is only seen when someone opens the book and for 12 MONTHS!!!! what i do for that $500 will give 5 YEARS of visability!!!!! and you will be seen when your sittin at WAFFLE HOUSE havin lunch.....yellow pages cant do that!!!!!!!
Posted by Artisan Signs (Member # 3146) on :
When asked: "how much does a sign like that cost?" I say, "normally a million dollars, but today they're half price"
Bob K.
Posted by Wayne Webb (Member # 1124) on :
Thank you Mr./Mrs.____________!
Posted by Rich Stebbing (Member # 368) on :
A few came to mind....
Cash is KING!
It'll be ready soon....
I am moving you to the "front burner"
When it comes to Window Promos:
Dollar for dollar you can't beat it
Can I collect residuals?
It won't rain on this will it? (I use waterproof)
People will be forced to read this (when using Fluorescents)
To Truckers: How many hours a day do you spend in your truck? Let's see $80,000 Rig, $4500, paint job, and want a ten cent lettering job? C'mon this is the "frosting on the cake" , don't cut yourself short,...don't you want to feel proud with nice set of doors when you going down the road,..oh yeah.
To those who go aggresive,..people will think you have a fleet...
To Boaters: Gee, I hope it's not below the waterline?
It won't get wet here will it?
Yes, "Wet Dream" is an "original"
To Race Car Drivers: Cash is KING!!!!!!!
Now it even looks fast!
Cash is KING!!!!!!!
More serious: Now your official! Definately "above average" Consider it as an Investment It will add resale value Do you know how many people will see this?
I like living in this area, if I do it any cheaper I will have to move, and then it will really cost you.
Posted by Mike Pipes (Member # 1573) on :
Rich, ahhhh so YOU are the one painting "Wet Dream" on all those boats in Cali! I see at least 4 or 5 of them every weekend here in Havasu. Posted by Bill Biggs (Member # 18) on :
Question:How much does a sign cost? Answer: How much you got?(with a big smile) Question: How long you been makin signs? Answer: what time is it now? add that to 60 years Question: How soon can I get it? Answer: can you wait? quote: We don't want all the customers, Just You! Bill
Posted by David Harding (Member # 108) on :
"We got most of it spelled right."
"Now you know where you work."
Posted by Kissymatina (Member # 2028) on :
It costs twice as much if ya watch.
Posted by Mark Matyjakowski (Member # 294) on :
Your business is not my hobby
Posted by Sheila Ferrell (Member # 3741) on :
. . . These are great . . . hope y'all don't mind if I use some of 'em... When they ask, "Do you do that free-hand?" I say, "My left hand's free . . . .my right hand's 50 bucks and hour . . ." Posted by Rick Beisiegel (Member # 3723) on :
"we want to be a part of your success"
Posted by Ian Stewart-Koster (Member # 3500) on :
LOL, good one Sheila, as long as they don't ask for a left-hand-painted sign!
Posted by Sheila Ferrell (Member # 3741) on :
lol, Ian, and when they say they don't care how it looks because they want something free I get to say, "Hey! If you don't mind how it looks ...DO IT YOURSELF!" or, "Why did you come here if you don't care how it's gonna look?"
I'm always amazed at customers who want me to work basically for free and/or don't care what something will look like.
I always feel obliged to explain that I PERSONALLY CARE how it looks and I need to be paid well for carin'.
(I promise I am kind-sweet and gentle with these people and not the wise-crack I seem to be . . .)
however cheap, such folks always leave laughin' or smilin' and with a better understanding of what I'm about... and some actually come back when they get their money up.
I like to think or pretend that they came back because I had a hand in educating or reminding them about getting what they pay for.
....just thinkin' . . .what would you get if you went to an M.D. and said, "I don't care how it looks, as long as it's cheap . . . "
....or the body shop guy . . .(see Si's recent OT post, lol)
Posted by John Lennig (Member # 2455) on :
When I tell people that I only do hand lettering, no computer vinyl, the ask..."is it cheaper?"..."no, definately not"
They decide.
John Lennig / SignRider
ps...vinyl is fine, I just don't do it anymore.
Posted by Rovelle W. Gratz (Member # 4404) on :
When asked "How long have you been making Signs?" I tell them I was making signs before I could talk.
When asked "Do I get a discount? I have ten trucks". I tell you get a 10% discount. When you bring in the tenth one, I do it FREE.
You already know they will get you to do one, then take it to "El Cheapo Signs" and tell them they want the others done just like this one.
Posted by Jerry VanHorn (Member # 4704) on :
quote:Originally posted by Rovelle W. Gratz:
You already know they will get you to do one, then take it to "El Cheapo Signs" and tell them they want the others done just like this one.
this has happened to me. What is amazing is the 'hacker' shop can't even copy it right
Posted by Joey Madden (Member # 1192) on :
How many of you signmakers really tell your customers those things or is that just to break the ice?
In my line of work I don't talk much, show them my portfolio and ask what they want to spend. I don't even have to show them what I'm gonna do!
Works for me Posted by Steve Shortreed (Member # 436) on :
If the customer asks "Why So Much?" Look them right in the eye and reply "There's A Lot Of Stuff I Want To Buy!"
Always left them scratching their heads. Posted by Jeremy Vecoli (Member # 2278) on :
"That's not a service we currently offer"
Works great anytime you need to say "no" for any reason.
Posted by Sheila Ferrell (Member # 3741) on :
LOL Joey . . . . see, the way it is takes ALL kinds of people to make life diverse and not dull.
Some don't mind chatting and cuttin' up with people and illustrating the obvious with humor & irony.
Some are given to shyness or either simply choose to totally ignore people.
And then I wanna say, "...and then there's you..." SO BAD . . . . but I'm not because you may not be able to read the humor in it that I intend . . . mabey I should say: "It takes all kinds, even you...." . . . . No.....that comes across really mean too . . . .
...mabey we should just start a new post:
"Sayings I like to tell Sign Artists . . ."
Posted by Kevin McEvoy (Member # 4578) on :
quote:Originally posted by Ray Rheaume: Customer: "If you give me a deal on this, I can get you more business and you can raise the bill on the next guy." Me: "I already did that deal. It really worked out well when you saw it and came to see me. Congratulations! You're next!"
That is perfect, I'm going to have to use that one.
Posted by Rich Stebbing (Member # 368) on :
A couple more,....while I am painting windows:
Q How long you been doing this? A After a quick glance at my watch, about 45 min.
Q Where did you learn this? A In prison
Q That looks like fun A I am having a blast,wanna join in?
Posted by Jerry VanHorn (Member # 4704) on :
quote:Originally posted by Rich Stebbing: Q Where did you learn this? A In prison
their next statement is: I will hold that deposit until the job is complete!
[ June 25, 2004, 04:23 PM: Message edited by: Jerry VanHorn ]
Posted by Donna in BC (Member # 130) on :
Their 'oh so funny snarky comment,' "It's crooked." (or spelled wrong) har har har
My bored reply, "That part is free."
Posted by Kissymatina (Member # 2028) on :
quote:Originally posted by Rich Stebbing: Q Where did you learn this? A In prison
Priceless. Not only the answer to that question, but the look on their faces.
Wonder how much I have to practice before I can say that with a straight face.....
Posted by Leonard Sappington (Member # 4562) on :
I like when a customer watches me apply vinyl and then they ask " How do you cut that?" I imiedetly reply "With an Exacto Knife" Usually that is followed by a few moments of silence...
And then I tell them " I'm thinking about getting one of those machines to do this, but their kinda expensive"
Posted by Dusty Campbell (Member # 4601) on :
I'm going to use so many of these. If they give me a drawing, I like to say with enthusiasm and seriousness "Wow you draw better than me."
Posted by Dan Streicher (Member # 4515) on :
It's hard to look professional if your sign doesn't
Posted by Linda Silver Eagle (Member # 274) on :
Realizing that they always want what they can't have and always argue with whatever you claim...this works for me...
"I don't have the time and you can't afford me anyway!"
First one I ever saw, "If you needed it yesterday, you should have come in last week!"
Posted by John Deaton III (Member # 925) on :
When customers say, "That's too high!" I always respond with "Compared to what?" They dont know what to say.
Posted by Rob Hopkins (Member # 7638) on :
"How much is a sign?"
"One million dollars"
"No, seriously, how much?"
"No, seriously, what do you want?"
Posted by Dana Stanley (Member # 6786) on :
Q- I just want a cheap little sign. A- I'd like to help you out. Which way did you come in?
Q- Whats the tailgate guarantee? A- That means when you see my tailgate the guarantee is up!
Posted by jack wills (Member # 521) on :
"You only have ONE chance to make a first impression".
= Cost!
"It looks far away from a distance"
= Truth!
Posted by Michael R. Bendel (Member # 5847) on :
When they come in with NO CLUE of thier sign space available, I say, "It's hard to buy carpet or window coverings without measurements too, give me a clue at least."
Hey... One more rule to add to the BILL-O-METER! Have measurements!
Posted by Stephen Deveau (Member # 1305) on :
Usually asked Question...
Q: Did you design or draw this?
A: No it took years to train that Damn Monkey to get it right!
Now leave him alone as he has work to do!
Posted by bruce ward (Member # 1289) on :
we will need 50% down on this project to start
since this is a rush job we will need 100% paid up front(this usually ends the need for a rush)
if you got a cheaper price then go for it
Posted by Ricky Jackson (Member # 5082) on :
Wow, you guys dug this one up from the archives! I was all excited to see Brian the Brush and Rove Gratz on here until I saw the dates. Of course I was a pall bearer at Rove's funeral and Brian can't post anymore. But it's a good thread.
Posted by Rob Hopkins (Member # 7638) on :
There are three criteria we adhere to in the signs we make. 1 Fast 2 Cheap 3 Good
Pick any two, but be aware they will negate the remaining one.
Posted by captain ken (Member # 742) on :
I think I am gonna make a sign for my shop:
You got 3 choices, please pick 2
you can have it cheap and fast, but it aint gonna be good...
you can have it fast and good but it aint gonna be cheap...
you can have it cheap and good but it aint gonna be fast...
Posted by John Lennig (Member # 2455) on :
When discussing boat lettering, when given the price, if they question it, i say ..."remember how much that little stainless steel thing cost you recently?" They usually smile and say,"oh, yes, ok" Posted by Ray Rheaume (Member # 3794) on :
Do you make magnet signs?
Because if I letter the door, you can just forget it and go. If you get the magnets and forget them, you'll do a lot more damage to the door than the stickers ever will.
But I really wanted magnets so I can take them off.
Okay, same price as doing the doors PLUS the magnet material.
I thought they would be cheaper?
They are cheaper looking.
Haven't done a mag here in years...but have lettered plenty of vehicles who started out wanting them. Rapid
Posted by Bart Robinson (Member # 6678) on :
It'll improve your gas mileage and all the girls will want you.
I don't do naked women because I don't remember what they look like.
I'm waiting for the '08 colors to come in.
You sure are getting your money's worth out of that car.
Posted by Sheila Ferrell (Member # 3741) on :
LOL, it's fun reading all these again.
Recently my brother-in-law and I were bemoaning the drawbacks of trying to work for 'friends'-as-customers' who somehow always seem to feel you should give them a huge deal on price. He reminded me of something his dad, a used-car-dealer, said to his customer-'friends'"
"You have to make money off your friends . . . your enemies don't do business with you!"
Think I'll post that one in the shop.
Posted by James Kelly (Member # 189) on :
"Can I have it yesterday?" "Yes, if you can pay me the day before".
Posted by Ricky Jackson (Member # 5082) on :
quote:Originally posted by Bart Robinson: It'll improve your gas mileage and all the girls will want you.
I don't do naked women because I don't remember what they look like.
I'm waiting for the '08 colors to come in.
You sure are getting your money's worth out of that car.
I gotta use those!!
One I keep handy is "You can't make chicken salad from chicken maure" i.e. customer brings you a 14kb jpg to blow up to a 3 x 6 banner.
Posted by KARYN BUSH (Member # 1948) on :
lol...i just tell them..."shyt in is shyt out."
Posted by Pete Payne (Member # 344) on :
yes i can do it your way, but for ugly i charge extra. Apparently I actually said that out loud once, the guy came back and i ended up doing a $3600.00 gold leaf job on his horse drawn show wagon. He actually said that speech got me the job!not one of my more diplomatic moments, but what the hey!