Hi Folks. I promise that this will be the last post about names for my meet next summer! I am fresh back from an art exhibit, American Accents, in Charleston, W VA. exhibit
One of the really cool things I learned there is that most portraiture in the early American colonies was done by sign painters! They were called Limners. In the dictionary, this has more to do with those who produced illuminated manuscripts, but according to information posted at the Clay Center, they were sign painters! One of the amazing artists that was featured was George Caleb Bingham, who painted life as he knew it on the Missouri river in the 1840s.
His work reminded me of the Allegheny River. That being said....here are the suggested names:
Allegheny Sign Swap BACKWOODS JAM (or A.S.S. BACKWOODS) JP and the backwoods slingers Jillbilly Mountain Jam Hollar in the Holler Camp Artistic Camp Allegheny Meet in the Backwoods Deliverance Up yonder ways down the holler a' piece FEST paintstock Color In The Holler Backwoods meet Yuppie Scum Trashin' Meet The shady lady's coroplast panel party in the back woods where no yuppy scum sucking non-facepainting people are allowed - but youin's can come Yankee Meet ALLEGHENY GETAWAY Mountain Wedding Jam The LUSTY HILLBILLY HOEDOWN Back-Up-In-There brushes in the bushes brushes in the brush camp coroplast jill's coro-blast painted pines Busty Hillbilly Brushes in the Bushes Paintin' in the Poison Ivy Backwoods Brush Party Backwoods Brush Jam Backwoods Getaway Backwoods Brush Bash! SillyJillyHillyBilly Panel Jam The Coro Queen's Paint Ball (& Panel Jam) Paint the Possom Asp Backwoods Letterfest Single-Shot Sign Hunt(same as 1-shot sign hunt) HOEDOWN UP THE HOLLER Paintin' the Pines Panel Picnic Allegheny Hair Lines Jillstock The First Annual One Time Nameless Letterhead Meet AND Out on a LIMNER a wilderness jam Opinions? Thanks so much....love ya...Jill
[ June 14, 2004, 12:01 AM: Message edited by: Barb. Shortreed ]
Posted by FranCisco Vargas (Member # 145) on :
How about "Jillbilly and the Backwood Mountain Slingers
Posted by Dusty Campbell (Member # 4601) on :
Backwoods Brush Bash! Jumped out at me. When is this happening? I'd really like to come. What do I have to do to sign up? -Dusty
Posted by Jillbeans (Member # 1912) on :
Dusty, it is NEXT August 19-20-21 2005, in Lisbon, PA, off of I-80 exit 42. I'd love to have you come up. I ain't the greatest painter in the world, but having a meet is something I do know how to do pretty well. Just watch the Future Meets page for more info as it happens. Love...Jill You comin' too Cisco?
[ June 13, 2004, 09:01 PM: Message edited by: Jillbeans ]
Posted by Doug Allan (Member # 2247) on :
Jill, it's your meet... a lot of folks threw down some impulsive contributions for the sake of discussion... but there are probably only a small handful that you could really get behind & allow it to represent so much of the heart & soul you will be putting into it, that I think YOU should pick 3 or 4 , and then have us vote.
Isn't there already a brush bash? If so, IMO you are too original of a character to just tack one new word on someone elses existing identity.
I liked ALLEGENY GETAWAY but that didn't seem to make the cut. I also like Jillbilly Mountain Jam... what do YOU like?
Posted by Pete Sharkins (Member # 4525) on :
quote:Originally posted by Jillbeans: The shady lady's coroplast panel party in the back woods where no yuppy scum sucking non-facepainting people are allowed - but youin's can come
Try and say THAT three times fast!
Posted by Myra Grozinger (Member # 327) on :
WOW - thanks for the link and a chance to look at this painting - it makes my breath do doubletakes. How's that for balance in a layout?
On the name I got overwhelmed by the choices. That's like handing a customer a whole book of fonts.
Coro Queen Brush Fest
I would love to be there!
Posted by Alan Ackerson (Member # 3224) on :
1-Jillbilly Mountain Jam 2-Allegeheny Getaway 3-Allegheny Sign Swap BACKWOODS JAM (or A.S.S. BACKWOODS 4-The First Annual One Time Nameless Letterhead Meet 5-Backwoods meet
I know you said 4.
I agree with what Doug said about you needing to be overjoyed with it and narrowing it down to your handful of favorites.
lol - NO poison Ivy! I itch thinking of the stuff. Posted by faye adele welsh (Member # 4164) on :
jillybean...love A.S.S.Backwoods Jam is neato! That painting is another one like the one we saw.cool.couldn't work in the wilderness???thanks for the fun weeekend!fids Posted by Kissymatina (Member # 2028) on :
Brushes in the Bushes
A.S.S. Backwoods. You knew I'd like that one. I'm already envisioning the X-rated panels you'll be creating.
Posted by Mike Duncan (Member # 316) on :
Jill, I like the "A.S.S. BACKWOODS PANEL JAM", or "A.S.S. BACKWOODS JAM" I think it leaves a lot of neat options for awesome panels. Just My Two Cents Worth. Posted by Jillbeans (Member # 1912) on :
....and we have a winner....THIS JUST IN! Jill's JAMboree! How's that? Hits the spot, huh. My son just suggested it! Thanks so much for everything. Love...Jill Posted by Mike Duncan (Member # 316) on :
Jill- Mikey Likes it!!
Posted by Bruce Bowers (Member # 892) on :
Posted by Doug Allan (Member # 2247) on :
sumpin tells me he's a boyscout ?
if you like it... it's a winner!
Posted by Arthur Vanson (Member # 2855) on :
Love the picture Jill. Shame your meet wasn't a goldfest, I could imagine spooky voices from woodlands entreating you to "Gild and they will come" Posted by greg feil (Member # 4379) on :
My votes
1-Jillbilly Mountain Jam 2-Allegeheny Getaway Jam 3-A.S.S. BACKWOODS 4-Mountian Jam
Posted by Mark Matyjakowski (Member # 294) on :
A.S.S. BACKWOODS hahahaha Posted by Philip Steffen (Member # 2235) on :
Anything ending in JAM is fun. It makes me think of Jelly, and I like jelly.
...thats a bit odd, but I'll leave it.
The word Allegheny is neat too.
I don't know if I would where the A.S.S. Backwoods shirt in public. A mall by us wouldn't allow people wearing 'suggestive' text on their clothing and were asked to leave.
Posted by Mike Languein (Member # 319) on :
The cat has a leash so he won't . . . go swimmin'?
Posted by Jillbeans (Member # 1912) on :
No, Mike... What you can't see is that there is a plate of spaghetti in front of the cat & he's eating it for lunch! love...Jill
Posted by Kathy Joiner (Member # 1814) on :
Jillbilly Mountain Jam just has a "ring" to it. But A.S.S. Backwoods makes me fell like I would fit in just fine Posted by Mike Pipes (Member # 1573) on :
With a name like A.S.S. Backwoods you know someone is gonna do a panel starring Elmer Fudd.. (and if not, hopefully I just gave someone an idea) Posted by PKing (Member # 337) on :
Two(2) words seem to work BEST when used as a panel "THEME" ie. Civil War,Duck Soup,Swamp Land, Melbourne Migration,Coupe DeMain,Rat Fink,etc etc etc.
YOUR meet,YOUR name,YOUR rules
hope thnis helps
Posted by Mike Languein (Member # 319) on :
...and there ya have it Jill - in two
MY meet
Posted by Sheila Ferrell (Member # 3741) on :
. . . .after studdy' on it a while and lookin' at that perty paintin' ....I REALLY like . . . .
"The Coro Queen's Paint ball & Panel jam"
or mabey variations of that like . . .
"The Coro Queen's Panel Jam Ball"
"The Brush Queen's Panel Ball"
"The Festive Panel Ball of the Sign Queen of Pennsylvania"
gee, I get SO carried away by stuff like this ....
but Hark! . . .you could get a Shakespearian, renaissance'y kind'a thing goin' . . . .um'... did they have hill-billy's back then??
I reckun just pheasants . . er' . .peasants . . .
I need to crash . . .
Posted by jack wills (Member # 521) on :
Gittin' good in d'woods!
Posted by Linda Silver Eagle (Member # 274) on :