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Posted by Jillbeans (Member # 1912) on :
Hi Heads.
I knew last week was too good to be true.
Today was my day to face-paint at Justis' school. I have done this for years.
I paint cool stuff like skulls and flames and paisley swirly things, freehand, amidst yuppie soccer moms using stencils to paint insipid butterflies and flowers.
I gave up a whole day of work to do this. It's volunteer, but it's fun and rewarding. Justis was all stoked.
A new mom is in charge this year. I finally found her barking orders to another mom and I asked where I was stationed. She pointed at this map with the hand that wasn't holding her water bottle.
I asked if the paint was already at the table. She said "We're not painting this year. We have temporary tattoos."
I told her I would go home and get my paint (I have a face-painting kit) She said "We can't have just one person painting. We are doing tattoos."
I told her thanks but no thanks. [Mad]
I refuse to contribute to something that shows kids that you can just peel off a sticker and it's instant art. It is devaluing to me and demeaning to them.
Justis was disappointed but he understood. He said "I'm not getting one of those stupid tattoos!"
To add insult to injury, on the way home, I saw someone who had used my artwork to get stickers for their pickup. It was a guy I dealt with 2 years ago when I was stupid enuff to hand him a sketch because he promised to return. A year later, when he was out of town, his wife came back and wanted to re-work the color scheme without his consent. I told her I wouldn't change it without his approval. Apparently she found someone who would.
Love & thanks for listening.
Posted by Rick Beisiegel (Member # 3723) on :
Greetings Jill from Sunny Michigan!!! [Cool] [Cool]

To heck with the "Volvo driving soccer moms" You cant teach culture to did the right thing!

Posted by Jane Diaz (Member # 595) on :
Jill, I am just feisty enough that I would have gone home, got my face paints and a card table and set up my own little area just outside Little Miss I'm In Charge's domain and done my thing! Who does she think she is!? And when she came over to rant, I would have smiled sweetly and said, "But Whatever her name is, Don't you want our children to learn creativity?! I just assumed that this was OUR fair for OUR children. You wouldn't want to disappoint my son, would you?" loudly enough that at least her entourage could have heard it. Also if you tell your son ahead of time to get a very sad look on his face on cue, that would be helpful. [Wink]

I think it is the old hippy protester in me!! [Razz]
Posted by Joey Madden (Member # 1192) on :
Jill, I love the description [Smile]
Posted by W. R. Pickett (Member # 3842) on :
...Jill, this is just another sign that "modern" society now thinks that

(sorry... more clip art flak here...)
Posted by Mike Pipes (Member # 1573) on :
Hey Jill,

Wanna *really* burn up those yuppies? If they want to do tats they gotta do 'em right - show up with a real tatoo gun and ink!! HAHAHA!!

Ya oughta try facepainting at a Special Olympics event. That's a trip! Those kids get so excited they laugh and contort when the brush touches 'em, leaving a smudge of paint with no recognizeable form whatsoever - and they roll away all happy and proud about it. Simple pleasures. [Smile]
Posted by Sheila Ferrell (Member # 3741) on :

I'm fortunate in Emily's school that they have an all inclusive mentality of WHATEVER any parent can do or will do, DO IT.

Why could'nt you have had both tattos and painted??
That's what we did at Em's school carnival, along with bunches of other activities. It was my first stint at face painting and I loved it!!

Unfortunately, you have those "control-freak" mothers who I think might be a tad jealous of your talent or are afraid it might look like you are "doing more" than they are if you do something popular or very well.

I'm thankful that we have a principle who will nip those attitudes in the bud and allow EVERYONE to do anything to help because the bottom line is that it's for the kids and she wants everyone involved.

This summer I will get to, 'er have to? lol.... paint the columns in the 3rd-4th grade hallway to look like giant pencils and rulers. It is my fourth such project that "pays" for extended school-day care for Em'. Someday, I will send Ms. Judy some pics of all of it to post for me.

Anyway, mabey you could talk to the principle or someone who's over the control-freak (she's not the "last-word") and have any kind of activities y'all want there!!
Posted by Janette Balogh (Member # 192) on :
nothing like encouraging kids towards real tattoos early in life.

Will they be doing fake peircings next year?

[ June 08, 2004, 02:25 PM: Message edited by: Janette Balogh ]
Posted by Danny Busselle (Member # 3746) on :
Jill Question who put the YUPPI Scum Incharge Start there for next Year or it will stay, that B-tch can't DRAW . YOU CAN HAHAHAHAHA [Cool]
Posted by Greg McRoberts (Member # 3501) on :
Ha! Good one Nettie. How true that is.
Posted by Jillbeans (Member # 1912) on :
Justis came home from school carrying a shrink-wrapped set of 2 temporary tattoos.
He said that a lot of his little friends were asking where I was.
I did try to call the school principle (feeling like a tattle-tail) but he never called back.
Maybe a new volunteer Yuppie mom will show up for this event next year.
What I will do when I offer my services again is to state that I will be there with my own card table as Jane suggested, using my own supplies.
It's ironic that when I was looking thru Justis' yearbook, there was a whole page dedicated to this yearly event, and most of the kids in the photos were sporting my face painting.
Posted by William Holohan (Member # 2514) on :
I quit my job yesterday because of a similar Yuppy Gestapo attitude. I, sadly, happen to be a smoker. I smoke out of the building in the parking lot, summer -winter- rain or shine. It was a warm day here in Mass.
The boss comes out and tells me that one of the employees is complaining about my "second hand smoke" getting into the building and threatening her health. Mind you I am 30 feet out in the parking lot at the time. He said I would have to go out to the street and smoke. UT OHH.... Pushed wrong button with me, as the person complaining is the same one who uses ammoniated windex every day to do all her icky sticky work...MSDS sheet anyone...(she refuses to use non ammoniated window cleaner and heaven forbid the Rapid Tack everyone else uses.) Her work table is right behind mine... I have never complained, nor would I...She is great designer, and all around terrific lay up person...She likes Windex, so what, no big deal...
BUT!!!! "Go to the street and smoke because your cigarette smoke from out in the middle of the lot is effecting her health." Do not ever play me for a rube... See you later boss.
There, now I feel better...
Posted by Dave Cox - That Sign Guy (Member # 3517) on :
this may be a little OT... but does anyone know where I can find a FREE... I mean truly FREE site that has face painting images I can use? I told some kids I'd do it, I have an image in my head and I can't seem to find a good pic of a rainbow or an ice cream cone... I really need the site to be FREE.

Dave Cox
That Sarcastic Sign Guy
Posted by Dusty Campbell (Member # 4601) on :
Don't let it get to you. Just SMILE and realize how good things really are and apply those tats with the love those kids deserve.

Posted by Todd Gill (Member # 2569) on :
I'm not sure I'd go so far as to label someone "yuppie scum".....but it sounds like the mom mentioned does have an attitude problem.

Are you sure that was a "water" bottle she was holding?! It might have been an over-the-counter enema, which if that was the case....she'd probably be in a better frame of mind AFTER it's use. Hehehehehehehe
Posted by Kissymatina (Member # 2028) on :
Todd, sounds to me like she really needs something from the adult toy store instead. [Wink]
Posted by Bob Rochon (Member # 30) on :
I'm not touching THAT one kissy hahaha
Posted by Todd Gill (Member # 2569) on :
Kissy -

Haha....ya never knowwww! She sounds like a dominatrix to me...scare-reee. hehehehe

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