Hi to all of you! i regularly visit this site for now one or two month and finally decided to ask you some questions. I am a car painter,i am 30 and i live in Switzerland. I always loved paint on all its form, i have done some pinstriping on cars,airbrushing on helmets. I really love hand lettering and would like to begin. I have bought severals books but my problem is to find the right brushes. I am interesting in a set of 12 brushes that the Easwood company is selling. Can you tell me if its good to start with? If not,which brush should i buy? Is there "must have" books? I have so many questions to ask you... I have learn all i know by myself because here there is not the same culture. I am very passionate by american culture,i am into 50's hot rods and customs(i own a 57,30,32 ford and a 50 chevy)and think you have a fabulous car culture. Sorry for my language but i am not very good with english. I am not very familiar too with the net so for the moment i can't send you pics of my job. If someone can help me to start lettering i will be very grateful because i think of it night and day. Kristophe.
Posted by rene st-pierre (Member # 4116) on :
hey you are welcom mr im sorry not really can help you for the brush question im a airbrush man at first ............i ear manny kind of brush ...all here can help you for this question because all here are real good painter. not be sorry for your english mr mine is bad too the important think its try ......... c-ya welcom again
Posted by Murray MacDonald (Member # 3558) on :
Welcome to Letterville...nice to know you are so passionate about learning to letter. There are many good books on the craft, and maybe some of our friends from the other side of the pond can put you in touch with European suppliers for brushes etc. hey, guys, how about helping the lad out? MUR
Posted by Sheila Ferrell (Member # 3741) on :
hey Kris . . .WELCOME to LETTERVILLE!!
You are in the right place at the right time to learn more than you could absorb in 2 lifetimes. . . . and if you're already thinkin' about lettering night and day . . you are 1/2 way to bein' great . . . . Posted by Jillbeans (Member # 1912) on :
Welcome aboard! The more the merrier. And you sound like a cool guy! Get thee to a live meet ASAP! As for books: Mastering Layout by Mike Stevens As for brushes: I like the Swirly-Q for lining & doing fancy stuff. I am not qualified to talk about pinstriping brushes tho. I prefer brushes with Red Sable hairs, but I have no idea where to tell you to get them. Perhaps look into the Letterville Merchants page. Love...Jill
Posted by CHOSSAT Christophe (Member # 4695) on :
Hi, thank you for your reception. I don't know of anyone who is selling lettering brushes here in europe (great britain,germany,france...).I think i'm gonna order my brushes in the states so if you can tell me where you find the brushes you use... Is anyone using brushes from eastwood? How do they perform? I NEED BRUSHES,my hands are asking for!!! One more time,THANK YOU VERY MUCH. Kristophe
Posted by Miles Cullinane (Member # 980) on :
this should please you that there is a good sign supply shop in England called AS Handover and they make their own brushes here is the link AS Handover
Welcome to the best place you'll find for the sign world
Posted by CHOSSAT Christophe (Member # 4695) on :
Thank you miles i'm gonna look at this website later but there is no pictures of the brushes and i'm not very familiar with their names. Another question for you all: Can you tell me which brush is for each work? (like an outliner for ...outlining,but what for quills,jet stroke,red sable,...) Kristophe
Posted by Steve Shortreed (Member # 436) on :
Welcome to Letterville Chossat! I suggest you drop by the Mack Brush Website. It's a great spot to see the vast variety of brushes available and learn what each is used for. There is also some good info on cleaning and looking after your new brushes.
Posted by Dan Streicher (Member # 4515) on :
welcome aboard there is more information here than you can imagine and even more inspiration
Posted by CHOSSAT Christophe (Member # 4695) on :
Thank you for the answers I just think i have another problem: i'm left handed.How can i do to do some script lettering?I have seen that you must handle the brush in a particular position that is perfect for right handed but if i try my hand is completely bent! Maybe that's a stupid question but please let me know! Kristophe
Posted by Jillbeans (Member # 1912) on :
Kristophe, You need to attend a live meet with Bob Timmerman. He is also left-handed, but his script is the Koolest! It can be done! Love...Jill