A little FYI, Fellow sign painter/chopper pilot Russ Mowry of New Jersey just had a life awakening experience yesterday when the chopper he was piloting malfunctioned and crashed while flying for NBC news. Ironically as the chopper was spinning and crashing out of control, An ABC news helicopter filmed the crash. The video of this crash is unbelievable. The fact that everyone came out with minor injuries is truly remarkable. Russ, you must have 9 lives! Mike Auto Graphix
Posted by Doug Allan (Member # 2247) on :
they played that about 10 times on commercials for the news last night.
there is a link to a video here but it stpos short of the complete incident. Seems to be some free trial you have to sign up for to watch longer Posted by Joey Madden (Member # 1192) on :
Thank God everyones safe, we wouldn't want to lose Russ. Such a talented pinstriper Posted by Joe Cieslowski (Member # 2429) on :
Russ is a personal friend, my heart sank when i saw this post.
Like his painting and designing style, this dude has control even when it looks like things are outa control.
Thank God and the man behind the controls that he is still with us.
Posted by Santo (Member # 411) on :
Very glad to hear everyone is OK. Russ's work in the Mega Art collection is very impressive. I'm glad to hear that he is an accomplished helicopter pilot. It sounds like he made a successful autorotation landing. That is truly the sign of a gifted professional pilot, saving the lives of his passengers.
Posted by Mike Pipes (Member # 1573) on :
Heli's are tricky enough to control when everything is working right, let alone dealing with a malfunction!
Posted by Kimberly Zanetti (Member # 2546) on :
I saw the photos in the NY Times - holy crap! - Russ sure must have his Letterhead Guardian Angels up there watching out for him.
Posted by Alan Ackerson (Member # 3224) on :
Watching the clip on the news this morning was a real hair raiser. He is a tough nut and I completely agree with Joe and Santos, there's no saying how many lives he saved by keeping his cool.
Posted by Jillbeans (Member # 1912) on :
Is Russ OK? Has anyone heard from him? He is such a beautiful person. Thank God we still have Russ with us. He must have 9 lives! Love...Jill
Posted by bill riedel (Member # 607) on :
I was invited to Russ' 60th birthday party just weeks ago and his daughter had a beautiful display of his life as a marine helicopter pilot and race car and motorcycle driver plus all the art he has produced both in the service and out. I am very lucky to be one of his friends, he stops in our shop while waiting for his next news trip. He has an unbelievable amount of talent and is a great guy in many ways.
Posted by Joe Endicott (Member # 628) on :
Amazing....Mr. Mowry should be very proud of himself to keep it together like that.
Posted by Suelynn Sedor (Member # 442) on :
I met Russ briefly in Quebec and I agree with Jill. He's one cool dude! Has anyone heard how he is today? Does anyone have an address that we could send him best wishes?
Posted by Duncan Wilkie (Member # 132) on :
If you have never seen any of Russ's work, there is a sample in the current SignCraft magazine (May/June)on page 102.....Nice! Way to go in both your occupations Russ! God Bless.
Posted by Kimberly Zanetti (Member # 2546) on :
Russ' work is amazing...I have this piece hanging in one of my bathrooms. The inside is even cooler. He inserted a mirror in the middle and not only lettered that but the entire rim as well. I'll try and get a picture of it later. Does anyone have his current mailing address to send a card? I believe the address I have is an older one.
Posted by Alan Ackerson (Member # 3224) on :
Good News!
There is an interview with him in the paper today talking of the incident. From the article it sounds like his spirits are good, even talked about flying again.
Posted by Kimberly Zanetti (Member # 2546) on :
Here's a link to the story if anyone wants to read it...
The first time I was in the USA was in 1989.. I looked up the yellow pages and found a local Signwritng company called Pro-Sign. I wrote to the Proprietor a certain Mr Mowry to ask if I could come down to visit him at his shop to see his work etc..He replied instantly telling me to stop by anytime. Ever since that day I have been fascinated by this business and by Russ Mowrys work. I am glad you are safe and sound bud and I hope to meet up with you again sometime. Thanks again.
Posted by Alan Johnson (Member # 2513) on :
Russ is OK! And He's home allready ! If you know Russ you know he doen't wait well, like I should talk, My wife Judy Called To see how he was and Russ answered ! He wanted to go out for Clams, as we do every couple of weeks. He will be interviewed tomorrow morning on Katie K. good morning america at 7:00 am EST. Thank GOD he and the others are OK . AND NO! RUSS I'M NOT GOING FOR A RIDE!!!AJ
Posted by W. R. Pickett (Member # 3842) on :
...And there Russ was on the NBC national news this morning being interviewed by Matt Laurer ! ! ! They ran the crash footage over and over, Too cool!
...Our man had a cast on his foot, and his head freshly shaved and buffed too.
...Lookin' good !
Posted by Jillbeans (Member # 1912) on :
I finally got to see the re-run on our NBC channel. Talk about grace under fire. Russ, I'm SO glad you came out OK. Love...Jill