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Posted by Jon Butterworth (Member # 227) on :
I'm getting 150 to 200 in 24 hours [Frown]

No! I don't need Viagara, penis enlargement or the latest one ... "mail failure" (42k) which is the latest virus!

If I had to download all that S**T before I could process it, I would be here forever every day.

I use to list all the emails on my server. It's a free service. Plus you can use it from any computer anywhere in the world.

It takes me two minutes to scan 50 emails, read what I want and delete the rest ... or all without downloading onto my computer.

Try it.
Posted by Mark Smith (Member # 298) on :

If you use Outlook then try out cloudmark's spamnet service at It's about 4 bucks a month and works VERY well.

You hit send/receive and almost all the spam goes in a spam folder.

The way it works is that when you get a spam message you click the "block" button - which registers that message (anonymously) with SpamNet. Then anyone else who downloads that message will have it sent to their spam folder.

Pretty ingenious, really, and works like a charm!
Posted by Curtis hammond (Member # 2170) on :
Set their (your email provider) filters so that only email with your secrete code in the subject line gets thru.

Dotn set your local email util filters to tight. Let them (yoru email server) do all the filtering

For example. All email goes to the junk folder. Then I scan thru it to find the good stuff. Then send the good stuff to the ok floder or put them on the receive list. After a while all your ppl that should be sending you email will get thru. Everything else goes to junk or deleted automatically. My personal email never has spam any more..

Also, set up a email address with some very strange name in it. That way a brute force email address maker won't brute force your name combination.
For example. My private addres is paks12. It never has spam.

My public email address has tons of spam. Once we were testing and made up a new email address and never used it on a public email server. It took just 8 days for a brute force email address maker to get us.. and the new one never used started to have 60 a day. sheesh
Posted by Curt Stenz (Member # 82) on :
My local internet service provider captures all suspect spam and virus infected messages. I am informed daily via e-mail. I cal read all messages without risk. Also have had to tweak the filters, but for the most part I just remove them all with one click.

As a mac user I am not too worried about viruses, but all this junk mail is just crazy. Who generates all that stuff?
Posted by Robert Talesky (Member # 4460) on :
I try to limit myself to one can a week....and LOTS of ketchup!!:-)
Posted by Dave Grundy (Member # 103) on :
Robert..ya ever tried it sliced kinda thin and FRIED?? Sandwich it between two slices of bread..and LOTS of Ketchup!! Yummmy

I DO love it that way.

Next best thing is fried balogna sandwiches!!! [Applause] [Applause]
Posted by Rick Sacks (Member # 379) on :
Years back, Donna Williams posted about a freebie program called "eremove.exe" and I've been using it with sucess. I can look at all the headers on my server and delete them and download the ones that I want. I don't think some auto spam blocker can make my choices for me, I need to see what's there.
Posted by Scott Daniels (Member # 3455) on :
I use a program called "Popfile" It's an open source freebie. Here's the link:

I've used it for about a year and after getting it fully trained, I get maybe one spam a month.
Posted by Bill Biggs (Member # 18) on :
my server provides online e-mail,
I just pull it up there, toggle all my emails to be checked for deletion, pass through the headers and click on the ones I want to keep then delete the rest takes about a minute or two. then I go to my regular netscape e-mail and download what is left and read it usually about two or three e-mails out of 40 or so.
Posted by Monte Jumper (Member # 1106) on :
Best cure? Open the can and eat it! [Smile]

Sorry ...couldn't resist...absolute cure is...change your e-mail and never...never go to a medical site or sex site...not that you would ;)mind you...(I'm going on heresay)that these are the two areas that are responsible for more spam than anyone can eat.

I once went looking for "coconuts" and locked on to a porn site I couldn't get off of without shutting down the computer...I got so much spam from that one wrong turn...I could hardly use e-mail...we changed servers (thus e-mail) and all that went away
Posted by Donna in BC (Member # 130) on :
I still use Eremove, however a new one we started using is MailWasher.

It displays a list of incoming emails, and automatically checks off all emails as spam unless you uncheck one, then right click to accept it as an addition to your friendly list. That accepted email will then always come up as a good one, with the bad ones still checked.

Abit more automatic than Eremove, however you have to be careful to go through the list for new emails that you would normally accept or they'll get deleted.
Posted by Bruce Williams (Member # 691) on :
The newsgroup alt.spam has been the single most-useful thing to me.

One of severel defenses I learned was to disable "cookies stored in your computer." Of course I have to enable it for Letterhead and a few other valuable sites. But if I'm only surfing and a site requires cookies, too bad. Ain't worth the risk.

My ISP offers MailBlock, and I suppose there are other brands that won't download from known spam hosts. On top of that, you develop your own list of rogue ISPs and and subject-line words, and those get dumped too. Last week 100-some spams got blocked, and 1 or 2 got thru. Those were immediately reported to SpamCop.
Posted by Robert Talesky (Member # 4460) on :
mmmmmmmmmm....fried spam sandwiches!!
Posted by Phillip Newell (Member # 4618) on :
Try contacting Sean at He's a great guy and will help you out with your spam problem.

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