You need to download the browser, then volume 1 and 2, each has hundreds of high quality artwork. The catch is that after 7 days of trial, the browser will stop functioning (you need the browser to access the encoded artwork). But if you have enough time to output them to .eps format, you can still them after the trial time.
By the way, am I infringing any of the company's copyrights by giving out this link here?
Posted by Mike Contreras (Member # 1571) on :
Did you check out some of those fonts... lol... Newbie Stuff there...
THanks for the Link though....
Posted by Peter Crossing (Member # 4009) on :
I agree the fonts are a little wierd. But the artwork is superb, all are clean and vinyl ready... Check it out.
Posted by Ian Stewart-Koster (Member # 3500) on :
It looks like a copy of part of a set of four CDs you could buy a few years ago for $30. I've also seen parts for sale on eBay for around $20 per CD. I'm sure it's still available. or at least the same images are, under a different company's name.
Posted by Dave Sherby (Member # 698) on :
I downloaded 1300 images, almost all of them. Burned 'em to a CD. Not bad. Some are down right nice. Can't beat the price.
Posted by Mike Contreras (Member # 1571) on :
But you can beat the Quality Dave.... Yesterday someone offered me dog food for lunch... I could have eaten it for free... But for $4.95 I got the special...
Posted by Dana Bowers (Member # 780) on :
But just remember... if you have a dog... you're better off using the less expensive, but better suited for the job, dog food!!
Posted by Mike Contreras (Member # 1571) on :
Lol @ Dana..... It sure is cool to be able to see the People you meet here at meets.. You can kind of Get an idea what their expressions are for things you say... Every time Mike Meyers makes a post or Comment... you can see his expressions...
I guess if you brush your teeth after the Dog food, Minus the taste it wouldn't be that baaaadd..... Sorry....none for me then...