This is topic Yeeehaaaa!!!!! in forum Letterhead/Pinstriper Talk at The Letterville BullBoard.

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Posted by Mike Contreras (Member # 1571) on :
Well Fellow Letterheads, Vinyl Geeks, Whoever you may or may not be.... I have been hittin it hard....

NOt the Booze.... ( after the Muster)

The Quill.... Man it feels GGGGRRREAT!!!!.

That Muster really lit a fire in me.. I lost 3 jobs recently due to being the High bidder...

I bid $700-$800 on 2 vans that the customer ended up getting done from some Vinyl Fag with no design skills ( for $275 each that is ) I thought to myself. Self do we wanna be working a whole day on 2 vans to make $150-$200... Self replied NOT!!!!!!

So I have been trying to refocus myself on what I truly loved to do & Kick ass at...
Voila..... Out comes the Airbrush and Striper again... FULL FORCE!!!! Watch out Competition... Cause we ain't Got none in my market up here....

I never had to Bicker with someone over $20 or $200... I give them, Most of the Time don't give them a price, Call me when you're done deals.... I miss that..

Weedin ain't for me,,, Well Vinyl that is....LOL....YeeeHaaaa!!!!!

Oh yeh... Anyone take offense to the Vinyl Fag remark ... If you are one you should... I have Been in the Business Since I was in Diapers..

I have seen the Market Go from bad Lines and Layouts... To the People with Bad Lines And Layouts Giving away there Lack of Talent produced goods...... Yeh I'm talkin to all you vinyl Geeks out there.. I now am one Too.... So if I have Offended you give me A website address where true artists can and Do insult People who I Think have taken a Fun Industry and threw a Big Monkey Wrench in the Works....

Hope to See you at the Muster.... Vinyl Folks Stay Away ( from me that is) [Eek!] ...

The New Sign Militia Pres. has Spoken..

Brothers of the Brush Pick up your Quills....
The War has Begun !!!!! [Mad]
Posted by mike meyer (Member # 542) on :
Hhahaahaha1 Pimp Daddy Mike, you are funny!

The Geeks here are gonna burn you at the stake, might as well put a big doobie in yur mouth so when the fire gets that high you can get a buzz before they burn you alive!

I ain't hiding anything, I bash Vynull on occasion, I don't bash it as much as I used to because I use it more than I thought I would. I would not be without it. I like it, but there's no replacing a good ol' Brush job!

Everyone has s right to voice their opinion and in Mike's case, he wants to be a brush maniac..Go for it! if you wanna be a Vynull Squeegee totin' mongrel..Go fur it!

We can get along. Just watch out for a guy with a Spider-Man Doll at a Letterhead Meet!
Posted by David Kynaston (Member # 4395) on :
Good on ya Mike,

I keep busy 'cos I don't do vinyl, if it's in your heart, then paint [Applause] and enjoy every day for it!
Posted by Greg McRoberts (Member # 3501) on :
Question tho'...should he go outside to smoke that doobie?
Posted by FranCisco Vargas (Member # 145) on :
Get on Mike Con Tre Ras with your bad a$$. You're on the right track man, I saw your work and you do kick ass!! But as you know vinyl has become part of our world, so what I do is sometimes do the combo thing. Unless it's on stucco walls then it's all paint! and I miss the outdoor painting, except right now when the weather is bad, so I have to deal with the indoor stuff, which is cool.

Does he have to smoke outside? I'm still smilin about that one, puff that doobie ese!! don't bullguard that joint my friend...ok-ok it was a song I heard, I didn't inhale [Applause]
Posted by mike meyer (Member # 542) on :
Cisco..What do you mean "when the weather is bad?" Fresno weather or Mazeppa weather?

Posted by Kissymatina (Member # 2028) on :
Vinyl is a necessary evil.

Just like wisdom teeth extractions, bloating during PMS, I-95, allergy season, customer service or tech support people who do NOT have English as a first language and insist on mumbling the entire time anyway.
Posted by FranCisco Vargas (Member # 145) on :
Good point Mike...hahahahaha I think I reached the point now when I hear someone say over here now that's it COLD (maybe 35-40 degrees) I think of Mazeppa, so I say to them, Cold, this would be considered a "heat wave" in Minnesota [Applause]
Hell with it let's go paint!! I'm game, can we start at Hooters? [Big Grin]
Posted by Mark Higdon (Member # 2990) on :
Hi Mike Contreras,
Be carefull with that fire it has a tendancy to keep you up late and then there is the fumes...Can't get those side effects from vinyl either. Keep it up and post a few of theses burning pics.


If you can make Freds meet in Ok it to will add a little fuel. Sorry I could not make the muster sounds like a great time was had by all.
Posted by Jon Harl (Member # 4427) on :
The only satisfaction that comes from vinyl is "to peel it off and roll it up like little boogers and flick it" Let's start slingin' the brushes and pounding the chisels! Amen.
Posted by Jillbeans (Member # 1912) on :
Hi Mike!
I hate Vynull too. Can I join the club?
I love to design on a computer, then render by hand. Vynull is bad for my soul. I do it...but I HATE everything about it.
Nuthin worse to me than some yahoo who can afford a sign system and thereby becomes a "sign maker". Nuthin better to me than doing it BY HAND. Amen!
Love...JILL [Applause]
Posted by Mike Contreras (Member # 1571) on :
The Mahlstick Militia.... I can see it already..... got to work on a logo now... I have it in my head but have to paint it, Scan it, And Print it....

Lets here some of those war slogans reworked to go along with our trade....

The Vinyl Geeks are Coming..
The Vinyl Geeks Are Coming......

Get on wit yer Bad Self.....

Oh Yeh Kissy.... Do you have different Classifications for Artists on your Panel Swap ?...
What I mean to say is someone like oh Say Noel Weber, Does a Panel, A Mother F-n Piece of Art... And say his name comes up with the Person from " Instant Signs In 7 Minutes for under a buck " Is he gonna get a paint By number from some Vinyl Geek.... With Holograph Vinyl, And Possibly " Shade Shifting VinyL"
Oh Yeh... Shot with Frog Juice and a Krylon Bomb Fade......

Just Curious.. I like the Concept of the Panel Swap......
But I live in the Woods and want no more Kindlin" Don't tell me you haven't chucked a Panel or Two... or had to Eliminate some thing off a Panel..
Get my Drift?...... Are there Classes or One Big Melting Pot
Posted by Bob Peach (Member # 2620) on :
I don`t care how talented you are or think you are , this is just a damn offensive post. No offense intended!
Posted by Jillbeans (Member # 1912) on :
Yup, Bob...
Something tells me that Mike is gonna incur
The Wrath of Kissy! [Eek!]
Be careful whose toes ya step on, Spiderman!
They just might be your own!
Posted by Dave Grundy (Member # 103) on :
I didn't initially respond to this post because I didn't think that Mike's EGO needed any more boosting than he has already done by himself.

But I agree with is kinda an offensive post isn't it?
Posted by Curtis hammond (Member # 2170) on :
I'm a vinyl dude, and i do not take offence to this post. The guy is mad and i understand why.

There are a few out there who are vinyl FAGS. "dabblers" I hate that word. IT implies no real commitment to their work. They sell their work way too cheap.

I hate em too.

But i also move signs, repannel them. And now im trying to learn glass gold. I cant wait to out work and out succeed a few more of them.
Posted by Bob Rochon (Member # 30) on :
It's only offensive if you take offense to it~ [Razz]

I for one was not offended, I know what Mike was refering to, it's just that the stigma that goes with the kind of person he is refering to is vinyl jockey,

We all know talented individuals that use both mediums. And we also know talentless and brainless peopl who use both mediums as well. [Razz]
Posted by Kissymatina (Member # 2028) on :
I took this initial post as frustration at people who have no clue or care about signmaking, but figure they can buy themselves a "sticker machine" some vector art cds & start a big business down at the local flea market. And about how good it is to be reunited with a brush after being seperated for so long. I do a lot other than vinyl, I use vinyl but I hate it & bitch the whole time. I was not offended by the initial post. But I was by later posts.

But now, to respond to Mike Contreras:

The panel swap is a panel swap. period. I will NOT allow nor be a part of any swap that intends to classify or otherwise discriminate against anyone.

There is no one from "Instant Signs In 7 Minutes for under a buck" involved in the swap at this time. I'm not even aware of anyone on this board associated with them.

"Don't tell me you haven't chucked a Panel or Two... or had to Eliminate some thing off a Panel.." No, Never once. I think that would be rude and arrogant, not to mention a few other words that would get censored on this board.

"I like the Concept of the Panel Swap, but I live in the Woods and want no more Kindlin" I'm having a hard time responding to this comment. Actually, I've written a lot of responses, but can't come up with one where I don't become unglued.

The calmest thing I can say is if your concern with a panel swap is "what do I get in return?" and you're looking for an answer in materialistic terms instead of enjoyment, practice and what you get out of MAKING a panel, then I don't think you really understand a panel swap.
Posted by Jeff Spradling (Member # 1615) on :
RIGHT ON CHRIS! [Applause] [Applause] [Applause]
Posted by Jon Harl (Member # 4427) on :
I was under the impression that this was all "tongue in cheek". I'm new to bulletin boards and didn't realize the negative impact my post has been. I'm sorry I've contributed to this thread. Please accept my apologies, those of you whom I've offended. I'll watch my P's and Q's from now on.
Jon Harl [Frown]
Posted by Dana Bowers (Member # 780) on :
Usually those of us who live on this board can recognize the folks that are being 'tongue in cheek'. Also, [Razz] helps!

Mike's post came off abit harsh, though. Sure hope he doesn't have kids, cuz those pictures they draw in school that he's supposed to hang on the frig, aren't gonna be masterpieces. But they are important because of the effort that went in to them.

I had the opposite problem on the first panel swap. I got Terry Colley's name... THE Terry Colley!! What in the heck could measly ole me do that would be worthy enough to send to HIM???

I was actually late because I did such a good job of freaking myself out over it.

I finally sent a panel. It was ALL vinyl, including shade-shifter and Signgold. I thought about lettering, but NO WAY, cuz I am SOOO out of practise and it would look like some kid tried to do it.

The last panel swap I tried something... and it was a miserable failure. I ended up doing a flat panel with vinyl and acrylic craft paint flowers.

In exchange I recieved a GORGEOUS AWESOME antique style panel, complete with working clock. I felt bad that what I did was so, um... hmmm... can't quite think of the right word, but was so 'below' what I received in comparison.

But after contact with the wonderful folks that made it, and finding out they were thankful and enjoyed what they received from me, sure made me feel better.

I hope you will rethink your position, and appreciate it for the effort. If you can't do that... then don't join the swap... and DEFINATELY don't have kids!!! [Razz]
Posted by BrianTheBrush (Member # 1298) on :
Sharpie Markers.

These are all just mediums with which we produce signs and graphics.

Producing signs and graphics is a business.

That's just how it is.

In the second panel swap, I employed paint, vinyl, and aluminum leaf on my panel. That doesn't make it any better or worse than any all vinyl, or all paint, or all carved panel.

The entire "Painting is better than vinyl, which isn't as good as gilding, which is better than scanning and cutting" bull**** is getting old.

I can honestly say, that after nearly 25 years in this trade, I still enjoy hand lettering, and striping and squirtin' paint, but I'm REALLY glad I can produce most of our commercial work with vinyl. There was and is no glory in slingin' paint.
Computer-aided signmaking is no better or worse than hand-lettering. Every medium and proceedure has it's place and time.

Brian Briskie
Posted by Bob Rochon (Member # 30) on :
Yah but cant ya just look beyond the trivial drivel and see Mike's passion. Look at the deeper message here. Here is a guy that goes to a great meet, gets reunited with his passion that gets sucked out by the computer.

So he might have offended some by his delivery, what- no one here has ever offended anyone by his views or passion?????

You go Mike, follow your passion and feel good about what you do again, I see nothing wrong with that!

Just remember its not the materials we use, its how we use them.!

I remeber when an old timer once called me a cheater because I used an airbrush insted of blending colors with a brush by hand. [Eek!]

[ February 20, 2004, 09:03 AM: Message edited by: Bob Rochon ]
Posted by Neil D. Butler (Member # 661) on :
Rob That's good one about the Airbrush... Now Can you believe this, I was taken aback just a first, I said to myself.... "Self. this guy's an A-hole", then I re-read it and said He's just excited and being Sarcastic in a good way, and then I realized I know exactly how he feels... I'm from the old school as well, but I don't get many chances to play anymore, so got with it man, have a great time painting.
Posted by JohnHurst (Member # 4308) on :
I agree with Brian... the computer is just another tool... much like the mahlstick or pounce wheel. Vinyl is another mean to the end of eating and keeping a roof overhead. I am a traditionally trained commercial artist whose job suffered greatly in the early 90's because of the great advancements of Microsoft and Clip-Art! In fact... I took a job from a talented typesetter that couldn't make the adjustment from a Linotype machine to a Macintosh!!! Then look at the late 90's where websites were being made by anyone with a spare bedroom and the cahonies to call themselves a designer... no matter how bad they were! So.... the whole thing has caught up to another "traditional" trade....

I'm SO happy to be hand lettering and striping again after 15 or so years. It makes me feel good to have skills expanded beyond the lure of a quick-buck... and beyond that of 90% of my competition!

It's all a matter of self advancement... the first step is education or learning. The second is implementation.... without these two steps... you're stuck doing nothing but limiting yourself... after all... DO YOU remember at least a SMALL amount of excitement when your plotter first showed up?!?

[ February 20, 2004, 10:56 AM: Message edited by: JohnHurst ]
Posted by George Perkins (Member # 156) on :
Rob, I used to get admonished by the older guys because I taped my top and bottom lines. The fact is the trade has changed, most of us paint slingers hold a resentment for the way things have gone. A few, like Brian actually like vinyl, for the rest of us it's a sometimes necessary evil. Somebody who came into the trade through computers just can not understand the frustration in dealing with "progress".
I'm kinda bad with names, but I believe I met Mike at a Kenlake meet a few years back, if I am correct, this is one first class brush slinger [Smile]
Posted by Mike Contreras (Member # 1571) on :
Wow...!!!! What we do, And What I Say when the Man who runs the Show is away... I hope you get better too Steve....

Where to start...

Curtis.... Bravo.. Your need to just cut vinyl has expanded to other areas then just be a Plotter & Weeder... Gold is the Bomb... Good Luck with it.... I am Glad to see it has Awakened the Creative Monster..

Bob... Vinyl Jockey may have been the Correct Word I was Lookin for.... Ever take a short cut to the other side of town... Well I just did that Gramatically...
Incorrect it was... So is taking a shortcut.. sometimes you may walk across someones flower garden .... Vinyl Fag... Sorry Folks... First of many heya... Grab a Chair...

Thanx Again Bob....

John Harl... Buddy you're in America now... Some people Do, and are Allowed by the Constitution of this great Nation to Talk in this Fashion.. All be it, off colored or Offensive... Freedom of speech....
None of my business John. But What T.V. show's you like John...just wondering....

Brian.. I was with you until.. Computer aided SignMaking.... It does have A place though.. you are right... one more point for Kissy...

Neil...... LOl A-hole.... I ain't almost been called an A-hole since someone said " up your nose with a Rubber hose..... Lol Great stuff....

Dana... The Kid Comment Rocked.... Ouch... THat was great!!!
I do save them pictures too...Got them and others from My Customers kids who I do not know Hanging by My Desk....
I have a Picture of you at the Meet watching David Kynaston... That shows me something... So does Everyone who attends a Meet... You are NOt just Happy Producing the Vinyl Helvetica sign....
How Many Vinyl or Paint people do you know who makes signs in your area that you have told about these meets, and they say that's nice... They Don't have the Fire in them... To them its a Business.. Just A business....

Its a Business all right... But where I Came from... Second Generation Sign Painter... It was Every Thing... Yes Everything.... SIgn Painting was life... All Life revolved around Art... Yard Work- Art, Painting House- Art,
Basement- Screenprinting Department... Garage & Driveway-For Lettering Vehicles.

My Dad Taught me & My 3 Brothers Plenty hangin around the Shop...
You Remember when you were a kid and you got to play with you friends after school .... No, No , No After school and weekends are for Working... Sign Work that is.... I'm not Mad... Just giving you an insite to who I am, Why I feel this strongly. And why I made this Ludicris Post to offend many people...

I got to learn what good layout was.. Proper spacing, Spelling... What Spraylat will do when you dunk your hand in the Gallon Pail ( makes a Turqoise colored glove.. Have to try it.. I'l bring some to the Muster),
When you're not Busy CLEAN THE SHOP.... He Did a Great Job... But you ask him about Vinyl.... Oh Boy!! The Only Squeegee I saw when I was a Kid was for Screenprinting.. And we don't want to go there.....

If this has Made you Mad .... It should... I am way off on the Panel Jam Comment... I am Wrong.. and stand corrected... ( yeh a guy who likes Women said he was wrong.. I won't ask for direction when traveling though).
If you grew up in a Computer age.... You may not understand where I am Coming from with that Rant.... Old Timers... Well some of you ... Can Understand... The Trade has Lost it's Luster... These Meets give you hope....

I am Genuinely Sorry to all you Vinyl Folks I have Offended. I have One SHot running through my veins..... just Like the Red, White and Blue..

P.s. For Kissy only.... *whispering* we did wake up the board though...

P.s.s. I did not spellcheck or any other Write in complet sentences this reply... if it's wrong.. I apologize for that... It ain't My Fault ..
Lets see you do your Homework hanging off a 12' Ladder your Dad pulled outa the Trash and is Wobbily, And Violates ever possible Osha Regulation.... THink that don't Happen...ask an old Sign Guy...

P.s.s.s. I gotta know what T.v. show's John Harl watches..... New Post Idea COming UP....Yeehaaaaaa!!!!!
THis one won't be so offensive...
Posted by Donna in BC (Member # 130) on :
Cool a meet re-exited you about slinging a brush again Mike! That's what meets are suppose to do.

However, your attitute towards panel swaps is the exact reason I won't participate in one. Yet. [Smile]

No harm in getting excited about something, but much like flaming a mother-in-law to her face, some things ya gotta keep inside. That includes insults to other mediums of signmaking. This whole board doesn't have classifications, just like the panel swap.
Posted by Joe Endicott (Member # 628) on :
Mike Contreras,
I was not born with a brush in my hand, I entered into this trade through a "quickie-stickie" vinyl shop.

However, I am not what you apparently assume all "vinyl jockeys" are. I have talent and skills that I am very proud of. Nearly eleven years in the sign business. I use paint, chisels, metal, airbrush, vinyl, and any of medium that I feel will give me the end result I am aiming for. My talents are different from yours, and many other sign makers out there, but no less valid. That is one of the great things about this trade.

I was at the Muster, myself. And have been to several meets, in an attempt to better my skills, and build my sign building arsenal. I am happy for you, that this fire was lit. That is one of the wonderful things about meets. For me, it was being able to work with Dewayne Mickelson on the gold leaf "Showroom" door. I am currently attempting to put what I learned to work in my shop. It is alot of fun!

The problem that I have is this: while you obviously got the motivation from the Muster that Letterhead Meets will undoubtably produce, I beleive that you missed one of the most important aspects of the meets. "Leave your ego at the door"
And , and as this site is considered a Letterhead Meet, your attitude towards your "enemy",and your feelings regarding the panel-swap offend the hell out of me. I think you have missed a huge chunk of what the Letterhead Movement is about.

I hope to be at the 2005 Muster, I hope to see you there as well. Feel free to say hello, I will not hold a grudge. But I will, respect your request, and stay away from you.

** just saw your lastest....musta chimed in while I wasn't lookin'. Glad to see you can admit your change in stance on the Panel Swap. Good on you.

[ February 20, 2004, 12:17 PM: Message edited by: Joe Endicott ]
Posted by Mike Contreras (Member # 1571) on :
Awesome Joe.... I missed a few while I was typing too...

Ego.... I don't believe its an ego thing... I Know that I am not the Best, Nor Have I ever felt that...
Right now to me I suck and I do.... But that Is what Technology has done to me... Oh Yeh I can run Photoshop 7 ( not Braggin to anyone).. I don't get the Feeling from making a Business card or logo in Photoshop like I do when I swing the Brush... Hell' I'd kill to be able to paint like my EyeCandy works...

Donna in B.C ( nice pict. between you an me)
wow.... I don't even know where to go with this one.... Just the Fact you Don't feel " Worthy" THat isn't what I wanted to do....

What was I trying to Accomplish with that Post....Hmmm!!!!! I was blowing off Steam....

Remember Last week when Some guy wasn't Happy with Life here.. Remember that Post.. Everyone Trying to get him off the Ledge... Don't Jump....It was a Misunderstanding.

Well I Jumped..... ****ed of a Few ( Many ) People.. But I did not mean to Do the Damage I did... Yeh I'm Back Peddling.... I Fu#*ed up... I Know it... ain't in me, Dad took that......
Sorry ...Yes...

Did you know that Out Country May have went to War wrongfully,
Well I took it to the Front line too... Nobody Died...
We can All fight another day....or get along...

Oh Yeh... Squeegee toters, VinylHeads,,, Don't Be Afraid I don't Bite.. Dad did that to Me..
But please, Please leave the Squeegee's, come on over and we can Paint...

Oh yeh Thanks George Perkins... That was me ... as for the Brush Comment..... I AM GOING to find him again... Thanks.....

Back to Mike Meyers and his Theatrical Presentation of... " You'll never make it home with that Much Grain Belt in yer gut"
Posted by Jon Harl (Member # 4427) on :
Mike, first, you need to spell my name Jon and not John. Second, I don't watch TV, I spend my time lettering with a brush or chisel or playing the harmonica. Third, I do appreciate your freedom of speech, go for it. I really didn't want to offend anyone and apologized if I did offend someone. But, really, no TV for me [Razz]

[ February 20, 2004, 01:17 PM: Message edited by: Jon Harl ]
Posted by Frank Magoo (Member # 3950) on :
Jon Hurl!!! you have to be the one I know...always the consummate gentleman. We met at Mikey's in Citrus Heights, the year I was fighting cancer, remember? You were in charge of overhead banner...long time. He's also the consummate artist, lives it, breathes it, and VERY good, why does it take mutual regonition in here to be treated nice? PPL.!!!!!

Jon, e-mail me....
Posted by Jon Harl (Member # 4427) on :
Frank, I'm the same boy and still painting. Just trying to get up to speed on this computer age. I'll e-mail you, let's keep in touch.
Posted by Ashley Bishop (Member # 2836) on :
i find the glory in having my son read "bass fishing for the sportsmen" much diminished if i'm weeding vinyl, some how the comedy leaves the situation, however with quill in hand practising script at 2am, dave kynaston style, with the boy (pockets taped up with vinyl, thats what it's for) reading the paragraph "the bass is a very sporting fish, it has been known to grow up to 15 lbs. and has even been seen to eat small ducks....." truly up lifting, almost spiritual!

big up to the contraras massive.
Posted by Todd Gill (Member # 2569) on :
The vinyl thing doesn't bother me either.

What does is the apparent seriousness about the "weed" comment.

And also the inference that those who don't imbibe in the use of illicit drugs are "geeks".

By that definition, I am a proud geek. Those that feel it's a-ok to use illegal drugs, drugs which can be directly linked to terrorist and other crimminal acts are simply losers.

Big brother ought to brand them in the forehead with a big "L" so we know who to keep our kids away from.

Now don't get upset, I'm just kidding right?

Edit: Oh, and hey if you don't like vinyl, just do what you like. If you make a good living at it and are happy, that's great. Nobody forces anybody to use "just vinyl" or "just paint".

[ February 23, 2004, 01:09 PM: Message edited by: Todd Gill ]
Posted by John Deaton III (Member # 925) on :
I started out as a painter, and still paint on occasion. Whenever I take part in a panel swap, my panels are mostly paint, with a touch of vinyl here or there. Now, in the shop, 99 percent of my work is vinyl. My truck customers ask for it to tell you the truth. Almost every bit of mdo and metal that I do has vinyl on it. I really enjoy it as I enjoy painting, but I need to make money, and vinyl allows me to do that a bit quicker than paint does. The waste problem with vinyl bothers me, and theres more overhead, but all in all , it evens out.
Be passionate about your skills, but also be conscious of peoples feelings. There are quite a few on this board that dont paint, but have very sharp layout skills and vinyl provides them with the tools needed for them to do the job. Dan Antonelli is one of the best designers I know, and he will tell you he cant draw or paint, but he does some incredible work. Theres room for all. Ive lost jobs also to low bidding vinyl shops, but there will always be the customer that will take the cheapest way out, no matter how good we are. There will always be painters and there will always be vinyl shops. Just keep turning out great work, and the jobs will keep coming. In this day of computerized everything, we're just gonna have to make room for vinyl.
Posted by Mike Contreras (Member # 1571) on :
Boy we sure Blew the Cobwebs outta this Old Machine....
Once in a while you just have to make sure people are still alive, They are here.. Wow... Lots of Intersting Comments, Posts.. Many Offended. Many Feeling the Same, Well almost the Same or Afraid to say they are... But that Is the Way we Do it here...

Freedom Of Speech.. Ahhhh!!!!

Well I hope Everyone has A great Day whether it Be Squeegeein', Layin out a Fine Old "Hand Painted Sign", Or Just Home Chillin with the Family...

As For Todd... hmmmm... *Coughing* From a cold.... Have a Great Day...
Oh yeh... Is Potterville far from Lake Odessa... My dad use to Mention Playing Potterville in Football???
Posted by Todd Gill (Member # 2569) on :
Lake Odessa is about 30 minutes away....Lakewood High School.

Sorry to say, even small towns like Potterville have been infested by druggies, a raid in school every so often yields a handful of punks being escorted out in full view of all the other students and held up to the ridicule they deserve.

I tell my kids, Bill Gates was a geek...and look at him now. The Geeks always rule in the end. [Wink]

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