Welcome to your Letterville Bulletin Board. This is the spot to ask questions, buy & sell your used equipment, share your tips and tricks, locate lost friends, and discuss any other issues related to our trade.
Take a few minutes each visit to answer questions and contribute whatever you can. Have fun!
Just a reminder that anything you post here can be seen by everyone so take a minute to think about what you really want to say. Please respect and follow these few simple Laws Of Letterville.
We require that you use your full real name as your username and include a valid e-mail address. We are a community of professionals. Use of an alias or nickname is strongly discouraged. In either case, use of a signature file that automatically signs your posts is always required. Your signature should include your first & last name, company name, and your addrss.
Personal attacks will not be tolerated. Treat others in a respectful and professional manner. Use of the "Golden Rule" is always encouraged.
Posting in Letterville is a privilege.To maintain that privilege, we require that you all treat each other in a professional and respectful manner. This does not mean you must like or agree with everything you read, but there are ways to debate without name calling and personal attacks. Topics such as religion and politics have no place here on Letterville. Experience has taught us that highly emotional discussion and opinions on certain subjects only serve to divide us. Letterville was created as an oasis where we are all Letterheads first.
This is not the spot for commercial advertising. If you have a product our users should know about, please call us about becoming a Letterville Merchant. Blatant advertising will be moved to the Supplier's SoapBox or Removed!
If you are looking for sign supplies then click here
The Letterhead WebSite, Letterville, and the Shortreed Family strictly prohibits the use of this site as a means to request copywritten artwork and fonts. Please respect the copyrights of the designers and foundries. If you feel compelled to \"steal\" from those people, please go to another site to do it. We do encourage all designers using this site to build the cost of fonts and clip art into your project's costs.
The Letterhead Website cannot assume responsibility for the validity of any information other than our own comments on this board.