Letterville may05winner SOTM
Sign Of The Month...May 2005 Winners
Jon Butterworth



Suelynn Sedor Her subtle one shot and gold leaf blew everybody away ... including me.
Stevo, you can take pride in the initial design. But man, can this chick render?


3D was taken out by Dan Sawatsky (who else?)

Rich Stebbing produced a window splash close to my kinda thinking for Category C.

And Michael Boone comes out of winter hiberation now and then to paint something like this to take out Category D.

I will get your "Certificates" in the e-mal ASAP.

Wow, what a month! The entries were great. Keep them coming for June!

Listing the other finalists for May:
A2 Mark Yearwood
A3 John Deaton
A4 Ron Costa
A5 Brian Stoddard
A6 Monte Jumper

B1 Mark Beisiegel
B2 Rod Tickle
B4 Steve Racz
B5 Karen Bush
B6 Ray Rheamue

C1 Paul McDowell
C2 Si Allen (did it with pigment and a stick!)
C3 Trish Corrington
C5 Dale Manor

D1 Mark Stokes (OZ)
D2 John Deaton
D3 Shane Bennett
D4 Mark Fair ( he started this thing!)
D5 Judy Pate

And too many other entries to mention names.


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