Becoming A Resident Of Letterville |
Questions? Is This The Official Letterhead Website? Nope! It was decided back in 1983 that Letterheads would never be a formal organization. Following a meet in Kansas City, there were some questions raised and a survey by Signs Of The Times magazine indicated that the majority felt the Letterhead Movement should remain an ideal rather than an official organization. Since there is no formal Letterhead organization, it is impossible that there can ever be an official Letterhead Website. This site was started as our way to promote the Letterhead ideals of sharing and fellowship within our craft. We like to think of this website as a community of those who embrace the ideals the Letterhead philosophy promotes. Consider this the on-line Letterhead Meet that never ends.
Although Letterville originally started as a hobby, it has today evolved into the most popular website for signmakers on the Internet. Maintaining Letterville is a fulltime job. To properly service all the existing traffic using this site, and plan for future growth, it is essential that we generate a dependable cash flow now. Letterville is very different from other sign related websites. This site is maintained by signmakers for other signmakers. We represent no corporation, magazine or other sign related special interest group. Our #1 reason for being here is to bring signmakers together and promote the Letterhead Movement. For the past 17 years, we have managed to maintain the site by offering advertising, the generous support of a few dedicated to the survival of this website, and whatever we could find in our own pockets. We want to thank all of you who have given so much. We can only hope to repay your faith in us by doing the best job we can here. It's time we all helped to carry the load. If each of you who believe in this website can do a little, we can solve these constant cash flow challenges. It would be a joy to use our energies to improve this website instead of shuffling unpaid bills each month. Why not just let the suppliers pay? Good question? After all, aren't all the current forums and organizations already available to the small sign shop financed by big suppliers? The truth is yes. There's nothing wrong with this, but there is a trade-off. In order to pay the bills, it is necessary to look after the hand that feeds you. It's impossible to serve two masters and do a good job of both. Our dream is to have a spot where those of us working in our own small shops can have a voice in the future of our trade and family business. We personally feel that many of us have been too busy just trying to run our own shops to get involved in our own futures. It's just too easy to sit back and let others make all the decisions for us. We believe it's time we run our own show!
Why pay when we can use the website for free? The answer to this question lies within each of you. The site could be made exclusive for just those who choose to pay, but that would just not fit in with our understanding of what Letterheads is all about. I know, many of you will reply that you have to pay to attend a live Letterhead Meet. That's true for most of them, but we've all been short of cash at some point. Lack of money should never be a reason to be denied access to this site. We prefer to offer additional benefits and gifts as an incentive to part with your hard earned cash.
OK! OK! I want to move to Letterville. How much and where do I send it? We're so glad you asked that! (grin) Residents of Letterville pay an annual tax of $50US. Send your taxes to... The Letterhead Website Print Out & Use This Order Form We accept cash, checks or Visa. If you have any questions or comments we can be contacted by e-mail at or by phone at 519-787-2673 or 519-843-5191. Fax us at 519-787-2892 |
Turn on your speakers :)
Residency Does Have All Residents are given 15 custom fonts, courtesy of The Fontry. This custom font package contains light, heavy and italic versions of each font. That's a total of 48 fonts! A $150 dollar value! Thanks Mike.
There is some great pinstripe designs from George Perkins along with some clipart pieces from SignDNA. Residents have access to our Photo Upload Album Other Benefits For All As a group of over 15,000 registered users, we qualify for discounts on everything from hotels, car rentals, travel and much, much more. Why not make use of our group power to take advantage of any savings or perks that are already being offered? Keep your eyes open for opportunities to use our group buying power. Many suppliers currently listed on our Merchant Page, already offer Residents and Visitors to Letterville special discounts. Use them and encourage your current suppliers to get involved! If you know of any additional perks out there available to a group of our size, please let us know of them by contacting us at or by phone at 519-787-2673 Print Out & Use This Order Form