To regulars of the Letterheads Chat channel and Website, it would have been painfully obvious that on Saturday the 6th.of September, the Sign Industry Training Centre in Brisbane, Australia played host to an Open Day. Approximately 80 signshop owners and employees attended the day to see demo's of acid etching and sandblasting glass, gilding, airbrushing, pinstriping and chalkboards as well as faux finishes.
Promotion for the day was provided by Oxlades, a supplier of signwriting and
artists materials in the state, who also kindly provided a BBQ and much needed
refreshments at the end of the day.
After kicking off at 1.30pm, attendees were encouraged either to have a go at
techniques they would otherwise not have opportunity to try, or to add the benefit of
their experience to groups as the demo's progressed.The day attracted signwriters from all
disciplines of the trade and from all over the State. As the day progressed, employers and
employees from national companies to sole traders added their knowledge.
After the demonstrations, presentations were made to the apprentices of the year for each stage of study. Plaques and bursary supplied by Oxlades were given to Natalie Leach of Effective Signs, Logan City, for stage one. Stage two was awarded to Daniel Barton of ABC Signs, Townsville. Stage 3 by Peter Beddgood of Newton Signs, Cairns. Stage 4 by Troy Curry of Cleveland Signs, Brisbane. Stage 5 by Vicki Van der Meer of Jon Signs, Toowoomba and Pre-apprentice Trainee was awarded to Margie Gayler, now of Ayers Signs in Brisbane.
Students are also awarded a deduction in time from their apprenticeship in relation to
their college results.
The computer room was also put to good use on the day with an internet connection so attendees could "surf" the net as well as checking out the Letterhead Website and chat channel. Thanks to Steve Shortreed and the other good folk on the chat channel that night, we were able to show off some of the myriad uses of the net.
Once the BBQ was lit it was time for some socialising and catching up with friends and workmates past and present until the doors rolled down. Judging by the very positive feedback we received, a similar event will be on again next year, quite possibly (if the author has anything to do with it) a Letterheads meet, I'll keep you posted
David Fisher
To learn more about David and his students